Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> The Chinese character 塔


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The Chinese character 塔 - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict


(, )
pronunciation (Pinyin): 
pronunciation (Cantonese): 
historical pronunciation (Tang): 
Kangxi radical: 

Styles of writing

塔: regular script
regular script

塔: regular script (using a pen)
regular script (using a pen)

塔: semi-cursive script
semi-cursive script

塔: clerical script
clerical script

塔: serif (Songti/Mingti)
serif (Songti/Mingti)

塔: Fangsongti

塔: sans serif
sans serif

塔: rounded

Meaning of 塔 when used as a word

The following entries have not been verified:


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  1.  n   Kolonne, Säule, Turm [ chem. Apparatur ]   [tech]
  2.  n   Pagode   [arch]
  3.  n   Turm   [arch]
  4.  n   turmartiger Bau   [arch]
  5.  prop Ta   [fam]

Further example words that contain the character 塔


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  1.  n   Stasi (Abk. für Staatssicherheit, DDR)   [hist]


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  1.  n   Lakota (nordamerikanische Sioux-Indianer)

    [ ]   (guāntǎnàmówān)

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  1.  n   Guantanamo-Bucht   [geo]

The following entries have not been verified:


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  1.  n   Tatra (slowakisch und polnisch Tatry) ist der Name eines Gebirgskomplexes des geologischen Fatra-Tatra-Gebietes in den Karpaten. Der Großteil liegt in der Slowakei, ein kleiner Teil in Polen (der Rysy mit 2499 m ü. NN. ist der höchste Berg Polens). Mit 2.655 m ü. NN ist der Gerlachovský štít in der Slowakei die höchste Erhebung der Tatra und der ganzen Karpaten. Nur in ihrem nördlichsten Teil, der Hohen Tatra, und im südlichen Teil, dem Făgăraş-Gebirge, dem Retezat und dem Bucegi-Gebirge, erreichen die Karpatengipfel Höhen von mehr als 2500 m.

    [ ]   (ātǎtú'ěrkè)

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  1.  n   Mustafa Kemal, seit 1934 Atatürk (* 1881 in Thessaloniki ehem. Selânik; † 10. November 1938 in Istanbul) ist der Begründer der modernen Türkei und war erster Präsident der nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg aus dem Osmanischen Reich hervorgegangenen Republik Türkei.

    [ ]   (kǎtǎlánlìtǐ)

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  1.  n   Catalanischer Körper, Dual-Archimedischer Körper (regelmäßige Vielecke)   [math]


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  1.  n   Kirchturmspitze, Spitze (Turm-), Minarett
  2.  n   Spitztürmchen

  广   [ ]   (zhōngyāngguǎngbōdiànshìtǎ)

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  1.  Central Radio and TV Tower


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  1.  Kleinvieh macht auch Mist

    [ ]   (liǎowàngtǎ)

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  1.  n   Aussichtsturm
  2.  n   Wart
  3.  n   Warten

    [ ]   (liǎowàngtǎshàngdeshàobīng)

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  1.  n   Wart
  2.  v   warten

    [ ]   (tǎnpǔ'ěrtǎtè'ěrhuìxīng)

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  1.  n   Komet Tempel-Tuttle - 55P   [astron]

    [ ]   (luósāitǎshíbēi)

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  1.  Stein von Rosetta


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  1.  n   buddh. Pagode   [arch]
  2.  n   Stupa [ buddh. Denkmal, buddh. Sakralbau ]   [arch]

    [ ]   (shèngtǎbābālājiālìfúníyàdàxué)

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  1.  University of California, Santa Barbara

    [ ]   (lìtǎshǐtǎlǐxī)

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  1.  n   Rita Streich

    [ ]   (tiětǎ)

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  1.  n   Eisenturm, eiserner Turm, Eisenpagode   [arch]
  2.  n   Freileitungsmast, Hochspanngsleitungsmast, Gittermast [ elek.]   [tech]

  广   [ ]   (yíntǎguǎngchǎng)

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  1.  Largo di Torre Argentina   [arch]

    [ ]   (lúndūntǎ)

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  1.  Tower of London

    [ ]   (tǎlóu)

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  1.  n   Turm


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  1.  n   Turm


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  1.  n   Stupa (Sanskrit: m., स्तूप, stūpa)   [buddh]


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  1.  n   Grabtürmchen [ zum Aufbewahren von Gebeine ]

    [ ]   (tǎqiáo)

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  1.  Tower Bridge

    [ ]   (shǒu'ěrtǎ)

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  1.  N Seoul Tower


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  1.  Taliban   [pol]


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  1.  Al-Fatah   [pol]


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  1.  Kontrollturm, Tower


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  1.  starker Rückhalt


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  1.  Freedom Tower   [geo]

    [ ]   (bǎotǎ)

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  1.  n   Pagode

    [ ]   (gàiruìtǎ)

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  1.  Gehry-Tower


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  1.  Euskadi Ta Askatasuna   [pol]

    [ ]   (pàtǎyà)

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  1.  Pattaya (Thailand)


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  1.  n   Pyramide

    [ ]   (lìtǎ)

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  1.  n   Rita


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  1.  n   Wasserturm   [arch]
  2.  n   Zisterne
  3.  Pagode im Wasser

    [ ]   (tá'ěrsì)

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  1.  n   Kumbum-Kloster   [buddh]

    [ ]   (jiǔcéngtǎ)

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  1.  n   Basilikum   [agric]

    [ ]   (tǎkězhōng)

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  1.  Taco Bell

    [ ]   (hànnuòtǎ)

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  1.  Türme von Hanoi


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  1.  Burj Dubai


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  2.  sowjetisches Nachrichtenbüro Tass

    [ ]   (guānjǐngtǎ)

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  1.  n   Aussichtsturm


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  1.  n   Delta

    [ ]   (bèilúntǎ)

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  1.  Torre de Belém

    [ ]   (dé'ěrtǎ)

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  1.  n   Delta


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  1.  n   Achterturm (Rollenoffset)

    [ ]   (shuāngzǐtǎ)

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  1.  Petronas Towers   [arch]


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  1.  n   Gestalt   [bio]

    [ ]   (shuāngfēngtǎ)

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  1.  Petronas Towers   [arch]

    [ ]   (shēngtàitǎ)

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  1.  Nahrungspyramide, Ökologische Pyramide

    [ ]   (bèiruìtǎ)

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  1.  Beretta   [mil]
  2.  Beretta   [org]

    [ ]   (bābiétǎ)

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  1.  Turmbau zu Babel


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  1.  Elfenbeinturm
  2.  Elfenbeinturm

    [ ]   (tǎfūchóu)

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  1.  Taft

    [ ]   (sāngtǎnà)

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  1.  Santana


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  1.  Talmud   [phil]

    [ ]   (guāncètǎ)

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  1.  n   Aussichtsturm

    [ ]   (zhōngtǎ)

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  1.  n   Glockenturm


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  1.  n   Obelisk

    [ 彿 ]   (fútǎ)

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  1.  n   Glatthai

    [ ]   (lěngquètǎ)

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  1.  n   Kühlturm

    [ ]   (qiēhuàntǎ)

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  1.  n   Stellwerk


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  1.  n   Kontrollturm


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  1.  n   Kantate   [mus]


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  1.  n   Tabun, Dimethylphosphoramidocyansäureethylester   [chem]

    [ ]   (ōuqiàtǎ)

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  1.  Horchata


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  1.  Tschita   [geo]


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  1.  Tallinn   [geo]

    [ ]   (tǎnàhú)

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  1.  Tanasee   [geo]


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  1.  n   Tadschiken

    [ ]   (tǎluótáng)

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  1.  n   Talose   [chem]

    [ ]   (yǎ'ěrtǎ)

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  1.  Jalta   [geo]

    [ ]   (shūdiàntǎ)

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  1.  Elektromast, Strommast


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  1.  Tahiti

    [ ]   (tǎluópái)

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  1.  Tarot


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  1.  Große Wildganspagode

    [ ]   (tàiyángtǎ)

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  1.  Thermikkraftwerk

    [ ]   (tiějiàtǎ)

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  1.  n   Ladebaum

    [ ]   (wàntǎ)

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  1.  Vantaa   [geo]


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  1.  ETA


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  1.  Thane   [geo]


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  1.  Tarija   [geo]

    [ ]   (xìnhàotǎ)

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  1.  Stellwerk

    [ ]   (diànshìtǎ)

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  1.  n   Fernsehturm

    [ ]   (zuāntǎ)

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  1.  n   Bohrturm

    [ ]   (àosītǎ)

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  1.  Aosta   [geo]

    [ ]   (tǎ'ěrtú)

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  1.  Tartu   [geo]

    [ ]   (xuānlǐtǎ)

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  1.  Minarett


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  1.  Eitörtchen


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  1.  Inta   [geo]


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  1.  Kleine Wildganspagode   [hist]

    [ ]   (bǎotǎqū)

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  1.  Baota

    [ ]   (dēngtǎ)

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  1.  Leuchtturm

    [ ]   (tǎluósī)

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  1.  Talos   [bio]

    [ ]   (yàntǎqū)

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  1.  Yanta


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  1.  Tacheng

    [ ]   (wéisītǎ)

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  1.  Hestia

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The Cantonese pronunciation(s) for this character are presented using jyutping romanization. Sources include the Unihan database and the Jyutping phrase box from the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. The copyright of the Jyutping phrase box belongs to the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. We would like to thank the Jyutping Group of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong for permission to use the electronic file in our research and product development.