Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> The Chinese character 章


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The Chinese character 章 - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict


pronunciation (Pinyin): 
pronunciation (Cantonese): 
historical pronunciation (Tang): 
Kangxi radical: 

Stroke order

章: Stroke order

Styles of writing

章: regular script
regular script

章: regular script (using a pen)
regular script (using a pen)

章: semi-cursive script
semi-cursive script

章: clerical script
clerical script

章: serif (Songti/Mingti)
serif (Songti/Mingti)

章: Fangsongti

章: sans serif
sans serif

章: rounded

Meaning of 章 when used as a word

The following entries have not been verified:


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  1.  n   Abzeichen, Medaille
  2.  n   Kapitel, Abschnitt   [lit]
measure word:
  3.  n   Konstitution, Statut, Satzung, Rechtsnorm   [law]
  4.  n   Ordnung
  5.  n   Stempel, Siegel
  6.  prop Zhang   [fam]

Example: word that contains the character 章 - HSK level D

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    [ ]   (guīzhāng)

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  1.  n   Maßstab
  2.  n   Regel
  3.  n   Regelfall
  4.  n   Regulierung
similar entries: 调解

Further example words that contain the character 章


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  1.  n   Titel-, Leitartikel

    [ ]   (liánhéguóxiànzhāng)

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  1.  n   Charta der Vereinten Nationen   [pol]

The following entries have not been verified:

    [ ]   (xiěchéngwénzhāng)

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  1.  v   zu einem Artikel verfassen ( schreiben )   [lit]
  2.  v   zu einem Aufsatz verfassen ( schreiben )   [lit]


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  1.  Aufsatz, Artikel

    [ ]   (shèngmǐjiālēijíshèngqiáozhìdàshízìxūnzhāng)

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  1.  Order of St. Michael and St. George

    [ ]   (liánbāngshízìxūnzhāng)

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  1.  Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  2.  n   Bundesverdienstkreuz


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  1.  n   Emblem, Abzeichen, Symbol
  2.  n   Wappen
  3.  n   Zeichen


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  1.  n   schreibend, Schreiben

    [ ]   (tècǐzhèngmíngqiánmiàndegāngyìnjiànhéxiàochángdeqiānmíngzhǎngjūnshǔshí)

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  1.  Hiermit wird die Echtheit des voranstehenden Dienstsiegels und des Unterschriftenstempels des Schulleiters bestätigt,

    [ ]   (yuēfǎsānzhāng)

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  1.  sich auf einige Bedingungen einigen, Grundregeln festlegen

    [ ]   (shèngmǐjiālēijíshèngqiáozhìxūnzhāng)

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  1.  Order of St. Michael and St. George

    [ ]   (búlièdiāndìguóxūnzhāng)

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  1.  Order of the British Empire


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  1.  Abzeichen, (Dienst-) Marke
  2.  Anstecknadel, Button


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  1.  n   das ist ein grosses Feld


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  1.  n   Prägesiegel, Siegel

    [ ]   (yuèzhāng)

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  1.  n   Satz (Sinfonie, Musikstück)   [mus]

    [ ]   (huácǎilèzhāng)

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  1.  n   prachtvoller Satz   [mus]

    [ ]   (jiǎngzhāng)

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  1.  n   Auszeichnung
  2.  n   Dekoration
  3.  n   Medaille

    [ ]   (gàizhāng)

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  1.  (ab)stempeln, siegeln


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  1.  n   Satzung, Statut, Regeln

    [ ]   (záluànwúzhāng)

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  1.  adj ohne Ordnung und System   [prov]

    [ ]   (zhèshìyīpiāndàwénzhāng)

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  1.  n   das ist ein grosses Feld

    [ ]   (xiànzhāng)

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  1.  n   anheuern, Befrachtung
  2.  n   die Charta (z. B. der UNO)   [pol]

    [ ]   (túzhāng)

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  1.  n   Briefstempel
  2.  n   Stempel
similar entries: 邮费

    [ ]   (yīngguóhuángjiāhuīzhāng)

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  1.  Wappen des Vereinigten Königreichs


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  1.  n   Kapitel 1, Erstes Kapitel

    [ ]   (zhèngzhāng)

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  1.  n   Aufnäher, Abzeichen

    [ ]   (xūnzhāng)

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  1.  n   Auszeichnung
  2.  n   Medaille

    [ ]   (tánzhāng)

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  1.  Anklageschrift gegen Beamten

    [ ]   (xiěwénzhāng)

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  1.  v   einen Artikel schreiben


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  1.  Abzeichen, Porträt, Porträplakette


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  1.  n   Kapitel VII

    [ ]   (wēizhāng)

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  1.  gegen die Spielregeln verstoßen


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  1.  n   Kapitel VIII

    [ ]   (zhuānyòngzhāng)

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  1.  n   Sonderstempel, Spezailstempel
  2.  n   Stempel für ...

    [ ]   (gàiliǎozhāng)

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  1.  v   drucken

    [ ]   (jiùzhāngfǎ)

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  1.  n    alte Regeln und Vorschriften


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  1.  n   Kapitel IV


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  1.  n   Kapitel VI

    [ ]   (wénzhāng)

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  1.  n   Wappen   [hist]


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  1.  n   Armbinde, Armband
measure word:


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  1.  n   Kapitel IX

    [ ]   (ànguīzhāng)

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  1.  adj formell


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  1.  n   Kapitel V


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  1.  n   Kapitel II


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  1.  n   Kapitel III


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  1.  n   Metonischer Zyklus

    [ ]   (qiānzhāng)

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  1.  n   Signatur

    [ ]   (zhāngyú)

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  1.  Krake, Oktopus

    [ ]   (dàxiànzhāng)

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  1.  n   Magna Charta   [hist]


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  1.  Erlasse und Vorschriften (章kurz f.章程)

    [ ]   (zhāngjié)

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  1.  n   Kapitel

    [ ]   (qiānmíngzhāng)

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  1.  n   Namensstempel, Unterschriftsstempel


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  1.  adj vorschriftsmässig


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  1.  n   Achselklappe
  2.  n   Achselstück

    [ ]   (míngzhǎng)

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  1.  Namensstempel, Unterschriftenstempel


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  1.  n   Dienststempel, Amtsstempel, Amtssiegel

    [ ]   (zhāngyúshāo)

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  1.  Tako-yaki

    [ ]   (gàizhāngrén)

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  1.  n   Robbenfänger


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  1.  Zhangqiu

    [ ]   (wénzhāngxué)

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  1.  n   Heraldik


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  1.  Dreikapitelstreit

    [ ]   (shōufèizhāng)

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  1.  n   Gebührenmarke


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  1.  Woodbadge

    [ ]   (zhānggòngqū)

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  1.  Zhanggong   [geo]

We say thank you...

The Cantonese pronunciation(s) for this character are presented using jyutping romanization. Sources include the Unihan database and the Jyutping phrase box from the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. The copyright of the Jyutping phrase box belongs to the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. We would like to thank the Jyutping Group of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong for permission to use the electronic file in our research and product development.
The stroke order graphics are provided by CJK Stroke Order Project. Unfortunately, a lot of characters still lack such information. Do you know how to create computer graphics? Then you can help create the missing illustrations - other learners will be very grateful for your contributions. We will be adding new illustrations on a regular basis, as they become available.