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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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prop   Li   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
n   Lithium (Element 3, Li)   [chem]   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li, Lee   [fam]     Edit/Delete this post

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meas   Li (chin. Längenmaß = 1/2 km)     Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li   [fam]     Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li   [fam]   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li   [fam]     Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li   [fam]   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li   [fam]     Edit/Delete this post
n   1000 Li, eine große Distanz 千里   qiānlǐ   Edit/Delete this post
prop   (1810-1882) Chinesischer Linguist, konfuzianischer Gelehrter der Qing-Dynastie; analysierte u.a. die Fanqie des Guangyun (Li = Nachname?) 陈澧   [ 陳澧 ]   chénlǐ   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li   [fam]   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li   [fam]     Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li   [fam]   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li   [fam]   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
Li & Fung   [org] 利丰   [ 利豐 ]   lìfēng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li   [fam]   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post


n   Einer der bekanntesten chinesischen Kaiser in der Tang Dynastie (618-907 n.Chr.), geboren als Li, Longji (685-762). Seine Regierungszeit zwischen 712/13 und 756 markiert den Höhepunkt und jähen Absturz dieser Dynastie. 唐明皇   tángmínghuáng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Qingzhao (chinesische Dichterin der Song-Dynastie)   (1084 - 1151)     [pers] 李清照   [ 李淸照 ]   lǐqīngzhào   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Wan Li, Kaiser (1573-1620)   [pers] 万历   [ 萬歷 ]   wànlì   Edit/Delete this post

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prop   Du Fu - war einer der wichtigsten Dichter der chinesischen Tang-Dynastie und Zeitgenosse von Li Bai. Seine Beinamen waren Shàolíng (杜少陵) oder Gōngbù (杜工部).   (712 - 770)     [pers] 杜甫   dùfǔ   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Bai - ist neben Fǔ (杜甫) der mit Abstand namhafteste lyrische Dichter der Tang-Zeit.   (701 - 762)     [pers] 李白   lǐbái   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Gong Li (Schauspielerin)   (1965 - )     [pers] 巩俐   [ 鞏俐 ]   gǒnglì   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li-Fluss   [geo] 漓江   líjiāng   Edit/Delete this post
n   große chinesische Mauer <wörtlich: 10.000 Li lange Mauer>   [arch] 万里长城   [ 萬裡長城 ]   wànlǐchángchéng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Autonomer Kreis Baisha der Li (Provinz Hainan, China)   [geo] 白沙黎族自治县   [ 白沙黎族自治縣 ]   báishālízúzìzhìxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Autonomer Kreis Changjiang der Li (Provinz Hainan, China)   [geo] 昌江黎族自治县   [ 昌江黎族自治縣 ]   chāngjiānglízúzìzhìxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Chen Li-an   (1937 - )     [pers] 陈履安   [ 陳履安 ]   chénlǚ'ān   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Autonomer Kreis Dongfang der Li (Provinz Hainan, China)   [geo] 东方黎族自治县   [ 東方黎族自治縣 ]   dōngfānglízúzìzhìxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Changchun   (1944 - )     [pers] 李长春   [ 李長春 ]   lǐchángchūn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Peng   (1928 - )     [pers] 李鹏   [ 李鵬 ]   lǐpéng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Si   (280 BC - 208 BC)     [pers] 李斯   lǐsī   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Jet Li   (1963 - )     [pers] 李连杰   [ 李連傑 ]   lǐliánjié   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Kreis Li (Provinz Hunan, China)   [geo] 澧县   [ 澧縣 ]   lǐxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Kreis Li (Provinz Sichuan, China)   [geo] 理县   [ 理縣 ]   lǐxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Kreis Li (Provinz Gansu, China)   [geo] 礼县   [ 禮縣 ]   lǐxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Kreis Li (Provinz Hebei, China)   [geo] 蠡县   [ 蠡縣 ]   lǐxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Ao   (1935 - )     [pers] 李敖   lǐ'áo   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Choh-Ming Li   (1912 - 1991)     [pers] 李卓敏   lǐzhuómǐn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Kwoh-Ting Li   (1910 - 2001)     [pers] 李国鼎   [ 李國鼎 ]   lǐguódǐng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Houzhu   (937 - 978)     [pers] 李煜   lǐyù   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li He   (790 - 816)     [pers] 李贺   [ 李賀 ]   lǐhè   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Xiong   (274 - 334)     [pers] 李雄   lǐxióng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Ban   (288 - 334)     [pers] 李班   lǐbān   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Qi   (314 - 338)     [pers] 李期   lǐqī   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Shou   (300 - 343)     [pers] 李寿   [ 李壽 ]   lǐshòu   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Shi   (died 361)     [pers] 李势   [ 李勢 ]   lǐshì   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Zhaoxing   (1940 - )     [pers] 李肇星   lǐzhàoxīng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Ka Shing   (1928 - )     [pers] 李嘉诚   [ 李嘉誠 ]   lǐjiāchéng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Ba Jin (Li Yaotang)   (1904 - 2005)     [pers] 李尧棠   [ 李堯棠 ]   lǐyáotáng   Edit/Delete this post
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