Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> The Chinese character 洛


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The Chinese character 洛 - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict


pronunciation (Pinyin): 
pronunciation (Cantonese): 
historical pronunciation (Tang): 
Kangxi radical: 
ancient variant: 

Styles of writing

洛: regular script
regular script

洛: regular script (using a pen)
regular script (using a pen)

洛: semi-cursive script
semi-cursive script

洛: clerical script
clerical script

洛: serif (Songti/Mingti)
serif (Songti/Mingti)

洛: Fangsongti

洛: sans serif
sans serif

洛: rounded

Meaning of 洛 when used as a word


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  1.  prop Fluss Luo (Name von chinesischen Flüssen in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan sowie Anhui)   [geo]
  2.  prop Luo   [fam]

Further example words that contain the character 洛


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  1.  n   Slowakische Krone (Währung in der Slowakei) <finanz>   [econ]

The following entries have not been verified:


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  1.  n   Heroin   [chem]


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  1.  n   Floyd   [giv]
  2.  n   Freud (name)   [fam]
  3.  prop Sigmund Freud (Begründer der Psychoanalyse)   (1856 - 1939)     [pers]

    [ ]   (tèluòyīmùmǎ)

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  1.  n   Trojaner (abbreviation: 木马)   [comp]
  2.  prop Trojanisches Pferd   [hist]
  3.  prop Trojanisches Pferd   [comp]

    [ ]   (kèlǔmǔluòfū)

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  1.  Český Krumlov (alt: Krumau bzw. Böhmisch Krumau, Stadt in Tschechien)   [geo]


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  1.  Charlotte (Name)


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  1.  Loki, Loge (nordischer Gott, germ. Mythologie)


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  1.  Château de Blois

    [ ]   (luòsī'ālāmòsīguójiāshíyànshì)

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  1.  Los Alamos National Laboratory

    [ ]   (luòjìkuí)

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  1.  n   Roselle, Sabdariff-Eibisch, Sudan-Eibisch, Afrikanische Malve, Karkade (lat: Hibiscus sabdariffa)   [bio]


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  1.  n   Roselle, Sabdariff-Eibisch, Sudan-Eibisch, Afrikanische Malve, Karkade (lat: Hibiscus sabdariffa)   [bio]


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  1.  n   Roselle, Sabdariff-Eibisch, Sudan-Eibisch, Afrikanische Malve, Karkade (lat: Hibiscus sabdariffa)   [bio]

    [ ]   (luòshānjījiālìfúníyàdàxué)

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  1.  University of California, Los Angeles

    [ ]   (luòshānjīguójìjīchǎng)

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  1.  Los Angeles International Airport

    [ ]   (luòshānjīshíbào)

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  1.  Los Angeles Times   [med]

  使   [ 使 ]   (luòshānjī'ānnàhǎntiānshǐ)

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  1.  Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim   [geo]

    [ ]   (láolúnsībǔluòkè)

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  1.  n   Lawrence Block

    [ ]   (tèluòyīzhànzhēng)

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  1.  n   Trojanischer Krieg   [hist]

    [ ]   (luòxījíxiàn)

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  1.  n   Roche-Grenze   [phys]


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  1.  n   Heroin   [chem]

    [ ]   (luòshānjīguówángduì)

  Edit/Delete this post
  1.  Los Angeles Kings

    [ ]   (luòshānjīdàoqí)

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  1.  Los Angeles Dodgers   [geo]


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  1.  n   Bloch-Kugel   [phys]


  Edit/Delete this post
  1.  n   Afrikanische Malve   [bio]
  2.  n   Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa)   [bio]

    [ ]   (luòshānjīkuàichuánduì)

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  1.  Los Angeles Clippers

    [ ]   (sījiékèluòfūshùxuéyánjiūsuǒ)

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  1.  n   Steklov Institut für Mathematik   [math]

    [ ]   (ālēizǔbāluòtèzhànyì)

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  1.  Schlacht von Aljubarrota   [hist]


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  1.  n   Solow-Modell   [econ]

    [ ]   (luòshānjīyínhé)

  Edit/Delete this post
  1.  Los Angeles Galaxy

    [ ]   (luòshānjīkuàichuán)

  Edit/Delete this post
  1.  Los Angeles Clippers

    [ ]   (luòbìdáfǎzé)

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  1.  n   Regel von L'Hospital


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  1.  John Locke


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  1.  Mega Man   [comp]


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  1.  n   Rommee (Kartenspiel)

    [ ]   (shèngmǎluò)

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  1.  Saint-Malo   [geo]


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  1.  Philippinische Muslime


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  1.  López


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  1.  Rosenborg Trondheim


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  1.  Lausanne   [geo]


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  1.  Troja   [hist]


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  1.  Carlos


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  1.  Pyrrhon von Elis

    [ ]   (huòluòdǎo)

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  1.  n   Jolo


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  1.  Phitsanulok   [geo]


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  1.  Ibuprofen


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  1.  Nairobi   [geo]


  Edit/Delete this post
  1.  n   Talose   [chem]

    [ ]   (zéluòsī)

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  1.  Zelos

    [ ]   (luòjiānuò)

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  1.  Locarno   [geo]

    [ ]   (tíluòdǎo)

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  1.  Delos   [hist]


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  1.  Eros   [phil]


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  1.  n   Glulose   [chem]


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  1.  Golog   [geo]


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  1.  Kirow   [geo]


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  1.  Mindoro


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  1.  Lhotse


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  1.  n   Allose   [chem]

    [ ]   (luòchuānxiàn)

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  1.  Luochuan

    [ ]   (fèiluòméng)

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  1.  n   Sexuallockstoff


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  1.  Venlo   [geo]

    [ ]   (luòdōngjiāng)

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  1.  Nakdonggang   [geo]


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  1.  Rokoko   [art]


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  1.  Lomé   [geo]


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  1.  Calzone

    [ ]   (luòwéiqí)

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  1.  Lowetsch   [geo]

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The Cantonese pronunciation(s) for this character are presented using jyutping romanization. Sources include the Unihan database and the Jyutping phrase box from the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. The copyright of the Jyutping phrase box belongs to the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. We would like to thank the Jyutping Group of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong for permission to use the electronic file in our research and product development.