Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> The Chinese character 州


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The Chinese character 州 - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict


pronunciation (Pinyin): 
pronunciation (Cantonese): 
historical pronunciation (Tang): 
Kangxi radical: 
ancient variant: 

Stroke order

州: Stroke order

Styles of writing

州: regular script
regular script

州: regular script (using a pen)
regular script (using a pen)

州: semi-cursive script
semi-cursive script

州: clerical script
clerical script

州: serif (Songti/Mingti)
serif (Songti/Mingti)

州: Fangsongti

州: sans serif
sans serif

州: rounded

州: oracle bone script
oracle bone script

州: large seal script
large seal script

州: small seal script
small seal script

Meaning of 州 when used as a word

The following entries have not been verified:


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  1.  n   Land, Region
  2.  n   Staat
  3.  prop Zhou   [fam]

Further example words that contain the character 州

    [ ]   (zhōudìtú)

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  1.  n   Landkarte (eines Bundeslandes/Bundesstaates/einer Region)
similar entries: 地图册 国家地图

  广   [ ]   (guǎngzhōushìjīnghuáwǎngluòyǒuxiàngōngsī)

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  1.  n   Excellence Network Co., Ltd.   [econ]

    [ ]   (shénzhōushùmǎkējìfāzhǎngōngsī)

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  1.  n   DigitalChina Co., Ltd.   [econ]

    [ ]   (měiguózhōufèn)

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  1.  n   US-Bundesstaat


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  1.  n   Präfektur Ji (China)   [hist]

    [ ]   (sūlíshìzhōu)

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  1.  Kanton Zürich

    [ ]   (zhēngzhōushāngpǐnjiāoyìsuǒ)

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  1.  n   Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE)   [econ]

    [ ]   (liánbāngzhōu)

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  1.  n   Bundesland   [pol]


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  1.  Kanton Waadt

    [ ]   (jiāzhōuhǎishī)

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  1.  n   Kalifornische Seelöwe (lat: Zalophus californianus)   [bio]

    [ ]   (zhōuyìhuìxuǎnjǔ)

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  1.  n   Landtagswahl   [pol]

    [ ]   (zhōujìgāosùgōnglù)

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  1.  n   Interstate Highway


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  1.  n   Stadtstaat   [pol]

    [ ]   (liánbāngzhōudǎngdàihuì)

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  1.  n   Landesparteitag   [pol]

The following entries have not been verified:

    [ ]   (guìzhōusuāntāngyú)

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  1.  n   Sauer-Suppen-Fisch nach Guizhou-Art

    [ 彿 ]   (měiguófúluólǐdázhōukǎnàwéilā'ěrjiǎokěnnídíhángtiānzhōngxīn)

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  1.  n   John F. Kennedy Raumfahrtzentrum, Cape Canaveral   [tech]
  2.  n   Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, ( KSC )   [tech]

    [ ]   (yángzhōuchǎofàn)

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  1.  n   gebratener Reis mit Gemüse   [food]

  广   [ ]   (guǎngzhōubáiyúnguójìjīchǎng)

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  1.  Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

    [ ]   (niǔyuēzhōulìdàxuéshuǐniúchéngfēnxiào)

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  1.  University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


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  1.  n   Landgericht (Deutschland)


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  1.  n   China

    [ ]   (bāzé'ěrxiāngcūnbànzhōu)

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  1.  n   Kanton Basel-Landschaft

    [ ]   (zhōuzhǎng)

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  1.  n   Ministerpräsident( eines Bundeslandes), Landeshauptmann (Österreich)

  西   [ 西 ]   (xīhēisègēwéinàzhōu)

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  1.  n   Kanton West-Herzegowina


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  1.  n   China

    [ ]   (xīnnánwēi'ěrshìzhōu)

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  1.  New South Wales

    [ ]   (éhài'ézhōulìdàxué)

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  1.  Ohio State University

  西   [ 西 ]   (shènghèxīzhōulìdàxué)

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  1.  San Jose State University   [geo]


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  1.  Kalifornien

    [ ]   (niǔyuēzhōulìdàxué)

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  1.  State University of New York   [geo]

    [ ]   (ā'ěrgāozhōu)

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  1.  n   Kanton Aargau (Eig, Geo)

    [ ]   (jiāzhōulǐgōngxuéyuàn)

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  1.  California Institute of Technology

    [ ]   (bāsài'ěrzhōu)

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  1.  Kanton Basel   [hist]
  2.  Kanton Basel   [geo]

    [ ]   (yóutàizìzhìzhōu)

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  1.  n   Jüdisches Autonomes Gebiet

    [ ]   (bókèláijiāzhōudàxué)

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  1.  University of California, Berkeley

    [ ]   (bùshèjíwúxiàn'édedézhōunázhùpūkè)

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  1.  n   No Limit Texas Hold'em Poker

    [ ]   (hángzhōuwānkuàhǎidàqiáo)

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  1.  Hangzhou Bay Bridge

    [ ]   (dékèsàsīzhōulìdàxué'àosītīngfènjiào)

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  1.  University of Texas at Austin


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  1.  Baden-Württemberg (Abk.)


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  1.  Kanton Bern

    [ ]   (zhàozhōuqiáo)

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  1.  An-Ji Qiao

    [ ]   (wūlǐzhōu)

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  1.  Kanton Uri   [geo]

    [ ]   (cízhōuyáo)

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  1.  Cizhou yao

  耀   [ 耀 ]   (yàozhōuyáo)

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  1.  Yaozhou yao   [art]


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  1.  n   Landesregierung
  2.  n   Provinzregierung

    [ ]   (jìzhōudào)

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  1.  Jeju-do


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  1.  Hangzhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (fúzhōuhuà)

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  1.  n   Fuzhou-Dialekt   [ling]

    [ ]   (zhōuyìhuì)

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  1.  n   Landtag   [pol]


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  1.  Tongzhou (Ortsname)

    [ ]   (jīfǔzhōu)

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  1.  Oblast Kiew


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  1.  adj staatlich

    [ ]   (zhōuxuǎnjǔ)

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  1.  Landtagswahl
similar entries: 州议会选举


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  1.  Oblast Tjumen

    [ ]   (túlāzhōu)

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  1.  Oblast Tula

  广   [ ]   (guǎngzhōuhuà)

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  1.  Kantonesische Sprache   [geo]


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  1.  n   Freistaat   [law]


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  1.  Chenzhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (bīnzhōu)

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  1.  n   Pennsylvania


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  1.  autonomer Bezirk


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  1.  Gwangju   [geo]


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  1.  Changzhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (zhōujì)

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  1.  adj kantonübergreifend

    [ ]   (wēnzhōushì)

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  1.  Wenzhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (zhōují)

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  1.  n   Landesebene   [pol]


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  1.  Huzhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (jǐnzhōushì)

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  1.  Jinzhou   [geo]


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  1.  das Weltall

    [ ]   (qīnzhōushì)

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  1.  Qinzhou   [geo]


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  1.  Dezhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (jiāozhōuwān)

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  1.  Kiautschou   [hist]

    [ ]   (bīnzhōushì)

  Edit/Delete this post
  1.  Binzhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (dèngzhōu)

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  1.  Nanyang   [geo]

    [ ]   (dèngzhōushì)

  Edit/Delete this post
  1.  Dengzhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (gànzhōushì)

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  1.  Ganzhou   [geo]


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  1.  Kedah


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  1.  Xuzhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (jiāozhōushì)

  Edit/Delete this post
  1.  Kiautschou   [hist]

    [ ]   (qìngzhōu)

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  1.  Gyeongju   [geo]


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  1.  Liuzhou   [geo]


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  1.  Yongzhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (hèzhōushì)

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  1.  Hezhou   [geo]


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  1.  Ezhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (bādùnzhōu)

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  1.  adj badisch

    [ ]   (láizhōushì)

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  1.  Laizhou   [geo]


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  1.  Pengzhou   [geo]


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  1.  Leizhou   [hist]


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  1.  Huozhou   [geo]


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  1.  Ruzhou   [geo]

  耀   [ 耀 ]   (yàozhōuqū)

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  1.  Yaozhou


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  1.  Quzhou   [geo]


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  1.  Xinzhou   [geo]


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  1.  Shuozhou   [geo]


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  1.  Pizhou   [geo]


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  1.  Yuzhou   [geo]


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  1.  Leizhou   [hist]

    [ ]   (gàizhōushì)

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  1.  Gaizhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (suízhōushì)

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  1.  Suizhou   [geo]

    [ ]   (xīnyìzhōu)

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  1.  Shinŭiju

We say thank you...

The Cantonese pronunciation(s) for this character are presented using jyutping romanization. Sources include the Unihan database and the Jyutping phrase box from the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. The copyright of the Jyutping phrase box belongs to the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. We would like to thank the Jyutping Group of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong for permission to use the electronic file in our research and product development.
The stroke order graphics are provided by CJK Stroke Order Project. Unfortunately, a lot of characters still lack such information. Do you know how to create computer graphics? Then you can help create the missing illustrations - other learners will be very grateful for your contributions. We will be adding new illustrations on a regular basis, as they become available.
The ancient character images are provided by Ancient Chinese Characters Project. Unfortunately, a lot of characters still lack such information. Do you know how to create computer graphics? Then you can help create the missing illustrations - other learners will be very grateful for your contributions. We will be adding new illustrations on a regular basis, as they become available.