Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Search Results


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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

Chinese -> German   German -> Chinese
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  [ ]   Bismut (Element 83, Bi)   Edit/Delete this post
  [ ]   Wismut <umg>   Edit/Delete this post

The following entries have not been verified:

  verwöhnen   Edit/Delete this post
  müssen   Edit/Delete this post
  sicher, bestimmt, gewiss, unbedingt   Edit/Delete this post
  Betrug; Schwindel   Edit/Delete this post
  Schaden, Übel, Nachteil   Edit/Delete this post
  angleichen, gleichkommen   Edit/Delete this post
  anpassen, angleichen   Edit/Delete this post
  gleichsetzen, vergleichen   Edit/Delete this post
  Ärger, Zorn   Edit/Delete this post
  [ ]   beenden   Edit/Delete this post
  [ ]   das Ganze von, vollkommen   Edit/Delete this post
  [ ]   Münze, Währung   Edit/Delete this post
  [ ]   Geld   Edit/Delete this post
  heimlich, hintergründig   Edit/Delete this post
  [ ]   Bohne   Edit/Delete this post
  Arm, Oberarm   Edit/Delete this post
  [ ]   schließen, verschließen, zumachen   Edit/Delete this post
  [ ]   verstopfen, verschließen   Edit/Delete this post
  Fieber   Edit/Delete this post
  vermeiden   Edit/Delete this post
  fliehen   Edit/Delete this post
  schwermütig, Melancholie   Edit/Delete this post
  kollabieren, zusammenfallen   Edit/Delete this post
  schmeicheln   Edit/Delete this post
  unanständig, unhöflich   Edit/Delete this post
  duftend   Edit/Delete this post
  Bi   [fam]   Edit/Delete this post
  lahm, lähmen   Edit/Delete this post
  Duftstoff, Duftwolke   Edit/Delete this post
  <Schriftsprache> abgenutzt, abgetragen, verschlissen   Edit/Delete this post
  beistehen, assistieren   Edit/Delete this post
  blau, hellblau, grün, jadefarben   Edit/Delete this post
  zweihundert (200)   Edit/Delete this post
  duftend   Edit/Delete this post
  Klippe   Edit/Delete this post
  Tapir   Edit/Delete this post
  Höllenhund   Edit/Delete this post
  Cerberus   Edit/Delete this post
  Militärgefängnis, Einpfählung   Edit/Delete this post
  schattieren   Edit/Delete this post

In Examples

The following entry has not been verified:

急剧   [ 急劇 ]   jíjù schnell und plötzlich, rasch, sprunghaft, abrupt   Edit/Delete this post

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