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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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ernst, streng   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
adj   streng, strikt, rigoros 严格   [ 嚴格 ]   yángé   Edit/Delete this post
adj   hart (sein), streng, strikt   [ ]   yán   Edit/Delete this post
streng 厉害   [ 厲害 ]   lìhài   Edit/Delete this post
adj   frostig, kalt, streng, ernst 凛凛   [ 凜凜 ]   lǐnlǐn   Edit/Delete this post
ernst, streng, ernsthaft 严正   [ 嚴正 ]   yánzhèng   Edit/Delete this post
streng, ernst, ernsthaft 严峻   [ 嚴峻 ]   yánjùn   Edit/Delete this post
adj   hart, drastisch, streng, bitter 严酷   [ 嚴酷 ]   yánkù   Edit/Delete this post
adj   streng, hart 苛刻   kēkè   Edit/Delete this post
adj   streng, ernst   [ ]   lǐn   Edit/Delete this post
adj   streng 严厉   [ 嚴厲 ]   yánlì   Edit/Delete this post
streng 看得近   kàndéjìn   Edit/Delete this post
ernst, streng   dàn   Edit/Delete this post
ernst, streng     Edit/Delete this post
streng 森严   [ 森嚴 ]   sēnyán   Edit/Delete this post
streng 龙一样   [ 龍一樣 ]   lóngyīyàng   Edit/Delete this post


v   streng bestrafen 严惩   [ 嚴懲 ]   yánchéng   Edit/Delete this post

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v   gewissenhaft einhalten, sich streng an etw. halten, einen Vertrag (od. Versprechen) treu erfüllen 恪守   kèshǒu   Edit/Delete this post
adj   streng und genau, pingelig 严密   [ 嚴密 ]   yánmì   Edit/Delete this post
herrisch sein, eigenmächtig und streng fordern 发号施令   [ 發號施令 ]   fāhàoshīlìng   Edit/Delete this post
adj   streng geheim, absolut geheim 绝密   [ 絕密 ]   juémì   Edit/Delete this post
v   streng bestrafen 严厉予以惩处   [ 嚴厲予以懲處 ]   yánlìyǔyǐchéngchù   Edit/Delete this post
v   streng bestrafen 严加惩治   [ 嚴加懲治 ]   yánjiāchéngzhì   Edit/Delete this post
adj   geradlinig und unparteiisch, streng und gerecht 严明   [ 嚴明 ]   yánmíng   Edit/Delete this post
v   streng bestrafen 严厉惩治   [ 嚴厲懲治 ]   yánlìchéngzhì   Edit/Delete this post
etwas streng geheimhalten   [prov] 讳莫如深   [ 諱莫如深 ]   huìmòrúshēn   Edit/Delete this post
streng keusch 挺节   [ 挺節 ]   tǐngjié   Edit/Delete this post
streng vertraulich 绝对机密   [ 絕對機密 ]   juéduìjīmì   Edit/Delete this post
streng geheim   [comp] 绝密级   [ 絕密級 ]   juémìjí   Edit/Delete this post
streng geheim 神不知鬼不觉   [ 神不知鬼不覺 ]   shénbùzhīguǐbùjué   Edit/Delete this post
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