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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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laufende Nummer, ldf. Nr. 顺序号   [ 順序號 ]   shùnxùhào   Edit/Delete this post
n   Nr. 不吸烟者   [ 不吸煙者 ]   bùxīyānzhě   Edit/Delete this post
n   Nr. 禁止吸烟的车厢   [ 禁止吸煙的車廂 ]   jìnzhǐxīyāndechēxiāng   Edit/Delete this post


n   Radikal Nr. 164 = Amphore, Weinkrug, Alkohol(-gefäß)   yǒu   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 176 = Gesicht, Fläche, Seite   [ling]   miàn   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 75 = Baum, Holz     Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 72 = Sonne     Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 74 = Mond   yuè   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 12 = acht (8)   [ling]     Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 26 = Siegel   [ling]   jié   Edit/Delete this post
n   Gold (Element 79, Au); Radikal Nr. 167 = Metall, Gold, Geld (Variante: 金)   [econ]   [ ]   jīn   Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 50 = Handtuch, Lappen, Tuch, Schal   jīn   Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 82 = (Körper-)Haar, klein, geringer Wert   máo   Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 130 = Fleisch   ròu   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 24 = zehn (10)   [ling]   shí   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 195 = Fisch   [ling]   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
Schreibvariante von Radikal Nr. 130 = Fleisch <steht immer links in Zeichenverbindungen>   [ling]   Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 18 = Messer, Schwert, Hiebwaffe, Säbel (Varianten: 刁, 刂)   dāo   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 86 = Feuer, Flamme, Feuerwaffe, glühend, eilig, Zorn, Ärger (Variante: 灬)   huǒ   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 49 = selbst, persönlich, eigen (Varianten: 巳, 已)     Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 30 = Mund, Öffnung, Eingang, Mündung   [ling]   kǒu   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 117 = (aufrecht) stehen, aufrichten, senkrecht, gründen, errichten, existieren, sofort     Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 119 = Reisfeld, Reis     Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 109 = Auge, betrachten     Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 38 = Frau, weiblich, Tochter     Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 149 = sprechen, sagen, Wort (Varianten: 讠, 訁)   yán   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 123 = Schaf, Ziege (Variante: 羋)   yáng   Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 142 = Wurm, Insekt   [ ]   chóng   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 7 = zwei (2)   [ling]   èr   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 189 = hoch   [ling]   gāo   Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 62 = Hellebarde (Lanze + Axt)     Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 115 = Getreide     Edit/Delete this post
prop   Radikal Nr. 69 = Axt, Pfund   jīn   Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 44 = Leichnam, Leiche, Körper   shī   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 112 = Stein, steinern, Steinschnitzerei   shí   Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 152 = Schwein   shǐ   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 28 = Privat, eigen, persönlich     Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 98 = Ziegel, tönern     Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 146 = bedecken, Westen, westlich, abendländisch 西     Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 36 = Abend, Sonnenuntergang     Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 181 = Kopf, Seite, Blatt   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 5 = Sichel (Varianten: 乚, 乛)     Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 173 = Regen, Niederschlag     Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 73 = sagen, sprechen   yuē   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 196 = Vogel   [ ]   niǎo   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 103 = Rolle Kleiderstoff, Stoffballen     Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 4 = Teil (Varianten: 乀, 乁) 丿   pie   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 111 = Pfeil   shǐ   Edit/Delete this post
Radikal Nr. 34 = Schlendern, folgen   zhǐ   Edit/Delete this post
n   Radikal Nr. 118 = Bambus   zhú   Edit/Delete this post
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