Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> The Chinese character 药


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The Chinese character 药 - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict


traditional variants: 
pronunciation (Pinyin): 
pronunciation (Cantonese): 
Kangxi radical: 

Stroke order

药: Stroke order

Styles of writing

药: regular script
regular script

药: regular script (using a pen)
regular script (using a pen)

药: clerical script
clerical script

药: serif (Songti/Mingti)
serif (Songti/Mingti)

药: Fangsongti

药: sans serif
sans serif

药: rounded

Meaning of 药 when used as a word

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    [ ]   (yào)

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  1.  n   Medizin, Arznei, Arzneimittel, Medikament, pharmazeutische Mittel   [med]
  2.  prop Yao   [fam]

Example: word that contains the character 药 - HSK level B

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    [ ]   (zhōngyào)

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  1.  n   Medikamente der traditionelle chinesische Medizin ( TCM )   [med]
  2.  n   traditionelle chinesische Medizin ( Heilmittel )   [med]

Examples: words that contain the character 药 - HSK level C

    [ ]   (nóngyào)

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  1.  n   Pflanzenschutzmittel, Pestizid

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    [ ]   (yàowù)

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  1.  n   Arzneimittel   [med]
  2.  n   Medikament, Droge   [med]
  3.  n   Pharmazie, Pharmaka, Pharmazeutika, Pharmakon   [med]

    [ ]   (yàopǐn)

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  1.  n   Arzneimittel, Medikament

    [ ]   (yàofāng)

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  1.  n   Arztneimittelrezept   [med]
  2.  n   Rezept für Medikamenten ( Arztneimittel )
  3.  n   Rezept   [med]

    [ ]   (huǒyào)

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  1.  n   Schießpulver   [hist]

    [ ]   (yàosàn)

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  1.  n   medizinisches Pulver   [med]

Examples: words that contain the character 药 - HSK level D

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    [ ]   (yīyào)

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  1.  n   Medikament
measure word:
  2.  n   Medizin und Pharmakologie

    [ ]   (zhàyào)

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  1.  n   Sprengstoff

Further example words that contain the character 药

    [ ]   (huàntāngbùhuànyào)

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  1.  v   das Aussehen ändern, aber den Inhalt belassen

    [ ]   (shānyaodàn)

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  1.  n   Kartoffel   [food]
  2.  n   Erdapfel <Österreich>

    [ ]   (dǎnóngyào)

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  1.  n   Pestizid verspritzen

    [ ]   (lièxìngzhàyào)

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  1.  n   hochexplosiver Sprengstoff   [mil]

    [ ]   (yàojià)

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  1.  n   Arzneimittelpreise (abbreviation of 药品价格)

    [ ]   (kàngzǔ'ànyào)

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  1.  n   Antihistaminikum, Histamin-Rezeptorblocker   [med]

    [ ]   (yàofèi)

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  1.  n   Arzneimittelkosten

    [ ]   (yàopǐnjiàgé)

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  1.  n   Arzneimittelpreise (abbreviation: 药价)

    [ ]   (zhìyàobùmén)

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  1.  n   Pharmasparte

    [ ]   (zhìyàolǐngyù)

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  1.  n   Pharmasparte

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    [ ]   (qiántǐyàowù)

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  1.  n   Prodrug (Substanz, die erst durch Veränderung im Körper wirksam ist)   [med]

    [ ]   (guójiāshípǐnyàopǐnjiāndūguǎnlǐjú)

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  1.  n   State Food and Drug Administration, staatliche Arzneimittelzulassungs- und -aufsichtsbehörde der VR China   [pol]

    [ ]   (jǐnjíbìyùnyào)

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  1.  n   die Pille danach ( Verhütungspille zur postkoitalen Empfängnisverhütung )   [med]

    [ ]   (liánghǎoyàopǐnshíyànyánjiūguīfàn)

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  1.  Gute Laborpraxis, GLP (engl.: Good Laboratory Practice)   [chem]

    [ ]   (běijīngzhōngyīyàodàxué)

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  1.  n   Universität für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin Peking

    [ ]   (liángyàokǔkǒu)

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  1.  n   Gute Medizin schmeckt bitter !   [prov]

    [ ]   (kāiyào)

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  1.  n   Medikament verschreiben/ verschreiben lassen

    [ ]   (liánhéguójìnzhǐfēifǎfànyùnmázuìyàopǐnhéjīngshényàowùgōngyuē)

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  1.  Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen gegen den unerlaubten Verkehr mit Suchtstoffen und psychotropen Stoffen   [law]

  西   [ 西 ]   (xīyào)

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  1.  n   Medikamente der Schulmedizin   [med]
  2.  n   westliche Medizin   [med]

    [ ]   (guójìfēizhuānlìyàopǐnmíngchēng)

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  1.  n   International Nonproprietary Name (INN, "internationaler markenfreier Name", internationaler markenfreier Name für Arzneimittel)   [chem]

    [ ]   (kàngyìyùyào)

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  1.  n   Antidepressivum, Antidepressiva, Mittel gegen Depressionen   [med]

    [ ]   (cángyào)

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  1.  n   Medikamente der tibetische Medizin   [med]
  2.  n   Tibetische Medizin ( Heilmittel )   [med]

    [ ]   (zhōngyīyàoguǎnlǐjú)

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  1.  n   Staatliche Behörde für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin   [pol]

    [ ]   (yàojì)

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  1.  n   Arzneimittel
measure word:
similar entries:
  2.  Präparat

    [ ]   (yàoshuǐ)

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  1.  n   Balsam, Lösung   [med]

    [ ]   (shòuyào)

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  1.  n   Medizin für Tiere ( Medikamente )   [med]
  2.  n   Tiermedizin ( Heilmittel )   [med]

    [ ]   (liánhézhíjiēgōngjīdànyào)

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  1.  n   Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)   [mil]

    [ ]   (kàngzhǒngliúyào)

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  1.  n   Geschwulstwachstum hemmendes Medikament   [med]

    [ ]   (yàoshīfó)

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  1.  n   Medizin-Buddha   [buddh]

    [ ]   (yàocǎo)

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  1.  n   pflanzliche Arzneimittel, Heilpflanze, Arzneipflanze, Heilkräuter   [bio]

    [ ]   (gū'éryào)

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  1.  Orphan-Arzneimittel, Arzneimittel für seltene Leiden   [med]

    [ ]   (yàogāo)

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  1.  n   medizinische Salbe, Salbe   [med]

    [ ]   (yàowùhuàxué)

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  1.  n   Pharmazeutische Chemie   [chem]

    [ ]   (yàoxìng)

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  1.  n   medizinisch wirksame Eigenschaft

    [ ]   (shāncǎoyào)

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  1.  n   Heilkräuer ( die in den Bergen wachsen )   [med]

    [ ]   (zhǐtòngyào)

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  1.  n   Schmerzmittel, schmerzlinderndes Mittel   [med]

    [ ]   (wànnéngyào)

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  1.  n   Allheilmittel, Wundermittel

    [ ]   (yàopiàn)

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  1.  n   Tablette ( Medizin )   [med]

    [ ]   (máyào)

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  1.  n   Anästhetikum, Betäubungsmittel
  2.  n   Arzneimittel

    [ ]   (fúyào)

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  1.  v   Medizin einnehmen   [med]

    [ ]   (yàocái)

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  1.  Heilmittel, Drogen

    [ ]   (lǐngyàochù)

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  1.  (N) Krankenhausapotheke, Ausgabestelle für verschiedene Medikamente

    [ ]   (shēngyào)

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  1.  n   pflanzliches (oder tierisches) Arzneimittel   [med]

    [ ]   (cǎoyào)

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  1.  pflanzliche Arzneimittel, Heilpflanzen, Arzneipflanze, Heilkräuter

    [ ]   (qǔyàochù)

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  1.  n   Medikamentenausgabe ( Krankenhaus )

    [ ]   (yàocáishāng)

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  1.  n   Heilkräuterhändler ( z.B. TCM )

    [ ]   (yàofáng)

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  1.  n   Apotheke

    [ ]   (yàoshī)

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  1.  n   Apotheker, Apothekerin   [med]

    [ ]   (jìnyào)

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  1.  Arzneimittelsperre (für Athleten)
  2.  verbotene Medikamente

    [ ]   (yàofěn)

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  1.  n   Staub

    [ ]   (dànyàotǒng)

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  1.  n   Kartusche
  2.  n   Patron

    [ ]   (yàojìshī)

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  1.  n   Apotheker, Apothekerin   [med]

    [ ]   (mázuìyào)

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  1.  n   Anästhetikum
  2.  n   Betäubungsmittel
  3.  n   Doping

    [ ]   (huànyào)

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  1.  den Verband wechseln   [med]

    [ ]   (húyào)

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  1.  n   Umschlag

    [ ]   (yàodiàn)

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  1.  n   Apotheke

    [ ]   (yàoxuépǐn)

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  1.  pharmazeutische Produkte

    [ ]   (pèiyàozhě)

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  1.  n   Apotheker
  2.  n   Apothekerin

    [ ]   (yàoxiào)

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  1.  Wirkung einer Arznei

    [ ]   (zhōngchéngyào)

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  1.  zubereitete chinesische Medizin

    [ ]   (zhōngcǎoyào)

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  1.  n   chinesische Heilpflanzen   [med]

    [ ]   (xǐyào)

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  1.  n   Lösung   [chem]

    [ ]   (jiědúyào)

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  1.  n   Antidot, Antidota, Gegengift   [med]

    [ ]   (jiěyào)

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  1.  n   Antidot, Gegengift   [med]

    [ ]   (yīyàofèi)

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  1.  n   Arzneigebühren   [med]
  2.  n   Arzneikosten   [med]

    [ ]   (nàiyàoxìng)

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  1.  n   Resistenz   [med]

    [ ]   (bìyùnyào)

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  1.  n   Antibabypille
  2.  n   Verhütungsmittel

    [ ]   (yàochǎng)

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  1.  n   Arzneimittelfabrik

    [ ]   (zhǐkéyào)

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  1.  n   Hustensaft, hustenstillendes Medikament

    [ ]   (zhìyào)

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  1.  pharmazeutisch

    [ ]   (zhìyàochǎng)

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  1.  n   Pharmahersteller, Pharmaunternehmen, Arzneimittelwerk

    [ ]   (yàoshāng)

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  1.  n   Apotheker
  2.  n   Arztneimittelhändler

    [ ]   (yàomián)

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  1.  n   Watte

    [ ]   (zhìyàochǎng)

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  1.  n   Laboratorium

    [ ]   (yīyàoshàng)

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  1.  adj medizinisch

    [ ]   (yàojìxué)

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  1.  n   Pharmazeutik

    [ ]   (chīyào)

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  1.  v   Arznei einnehmen

    [ ]   (qùyóuyào)

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  1.  Hühnerauge
  2.  n   Hühnerauge

    [ ]   (yàowùde)

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  1.  adj medizinisch

    [ ]   (yòngyào)

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  1.  n   Arzneimittelanwendung

    [ ]   (zhènkéyào)

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  1.  n   Hustenmittel   [med]

    [ ]   (qīngxièyào)

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  1.  v   abführen

    [ ]   (zhēnyào)

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  1.  n   Ampulle

    [ ]   (gěiyào)

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  1.  v   dosieren

    [ ]   (gěifúyào)

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  1.  v   dosieren

    [ ]   (shāchóngyào)

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  1.  n   Insektizid

    [ ]   (chúchòuyào)

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  1.  n   Deodorant

  退   [ 退 ]   (tuìshāoyào)

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  1.  n   Fiebermittel

    [ ]   (xīngfènyào)

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  1.  n   Reizmittel

    [ ]   (zuòyào)

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  1.  n   Zäpfchen

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The Cantonese pronunciation(s) for this character are presented using jyutping romanization. Sources include the Unihan database and the Jyutping phrase box from the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. The copyright of the Jyutping phrase box belongs to the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. We would like to thank the Jyutping Group of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong for permission to use the electronic file in our research and product development.
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