Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Characters pronounced yàn


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Characters pronounced yàn - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

Please click on a character to view detailed information.

5 strokes


6 strokes

厌 闫

7 strokes

妟 觃 言

8 strokes

沿 牪 炎

9 strokes

咽 彦 彥 姲 恹 砚

10 strokes

唁 宴 晏 涎 盐 艳 覎 验

11 strokes

偐 㛪 婩 淫 淡 掞 烻 研 䂩 這
谚 閆 阎

12 strokes

堰 喭 猒 敥 焔 焰 焱 硯 雁 隁

13 strokes

傿 椻 滟 滛 㰽 㷔 蜒 豣 趼 鳫

14 strokes

厭 㒆 墕 暥 演 䅧 酽 䢥

15 strokes

嬊 䁙 䖗 蝘 䛳 谳 餍 鴈

16 strokes

㢛 㷼 㷳 燄 燕 㦔 䞁 䢭 諺 閻

17 strokes

嬮 曕 蔫 鴳

18 strokes

䮗 騐 䳛

19 strokes

嚥 嬿 艶 贋 赝 䨄 鵪

20 strokes

曣 㬫 爓 騴 齞

21 strokes

䑍 䭘 鷃

22 strokes

灔 贗 䳺

23 strokes

醼 觾 讌 䜩 饜 驗 鷰

24 strokes

鹽 艷

26 strokes

灎 驠

27 strokes

灧 豓 釅 讞 䴏

28 strokes


31 strokes


35 strokes
