Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Characters pronounced wěi


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Characters pronounced wěi - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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6 strokes

伟 伪

7 strokes

尾 纬 㧑

8 strokes

㞑 委 玮 炜 㭏

9 strokes

洧 畏 芕

10 strokes

㖐 娓 浘 㸵 苇 芟 芛 诿

11 strokes

偽 偉 唯 崣 㢻 梶 硊 痏

12 strokes

㞇 喡 㟪 嵔 徫 寪 㛱 猥 渨 㨊
㨒 愇 骩

13 strokes

㟴 廆 瑋 椲 㱬 暐 腲 煒 㥨 痿
䇻 艉 荽 荱 隗 骫 骪 韪

14 strokes

儰 碨 㾯 蜲 蜼 䗆 䍴 萎 䞔 䩞
鲔 僞 䓕

15 strokes

㕒 磈 䈧 䍷 蒍 葦 緯 踓 諉 䛪
頠 韑

16 strokes

㠕 㬙 䬿

17 strokes

蓶 鍡 䬐 鮪

18 strokes

濻 䃬 颹 䪘 韙 䵋

19 strokes

壝 䫥 䱞

20 strokes

薳 蘤 䦱 鰖

21 strokes

亹 韡

22 strokes


23 strokes
