Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Characters pronounced jiān


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Characters pronounced jiān - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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5 strokes


6 strokes

尖 奸 纤

7 strokes

坚 歼 间

8 strokes

冿 玪 枅 戔 沮 肩 艰

9 strokes

姧 姦 钘

10 strokes

兼 监 軒

11 strokes

偂 堅 帴 猏 渐 淺 惤 笺 豜

12 strokes

湛 溅 湔 揃 牋 缄 鈃 間 閒 靬

13 strokes

瑊 椷 椾 犍 搛 煎 碊 缣 豣

14 strokes

漸 監 箋 菅 菺 銒

15 strokes

樫 熞 葌 緘 鳽 鹣 鲣

16 strokes

熸 篯 蒹 縑

17 strokes

艱 顅 馢 麉

18 strokes

瀐 濺 蕳 蕑 鞬 鞯 餰 鳒

19 strokes

礛 鬋 騝 鵳

20 strokes

瀸 鐧 魐

21 strokes

櫼 殲 譼 鶼 鰜

22 strokes

籛 韀 鰹

23 strokes

囏 纖

24 strokes


25 strokes


26 strokes

虃 韉