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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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n   Luft-Schiff-Rakete (Air-to-Ship Missile, ASM)   [mil] 空对舰飞弹   [ 空對艦飛彈 ]   kōngduìjiànfēidàn   Edit/Delete this post
n   Luft-Boden-Rakete (Air-to-Surface Missile, ASM)   [mil] 空对面飞弹   [ 空對面飛彈 ]   kōngduìmiànfēidàn   Edit/Delete this post
n   Luft-Luft-Rakete (Air-to-air missile, AAM)   [mil] 空对空飞弹   [ 空對空飛彈 ]   kōngduìkōngfēidàn   Edit/Delete this post
n   heart linked to heart 心连心   [ 心連心 ]   xīnliánxīn   Edit/Delete this post
(englisch: (to wish someone) Get well soon! ) 早日康复   [ 早日康復 ]   zǎorìkāngfù   Edit/Delete this post

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refuse to receive any visitors 闭门谢客   [ 閉門謝客 ]   bìménxièkè   Edit/Delete this post
Closed to visitors (wörtlich: "Tür geschlossen, Danke Kunde". Steht an der Türe eines (für heute) geschlossenen Ladens.) 闭门谢客   [ 閉門謝客 ]   bìménxièkè   Edit/Delete this post
(English: (idiom) used between nouns to indicate relative size or importance, A is greater than B) 大于   [ 大於 ]   dàyú   Edit/Delete this post
(English: sum up to; total up to) 共计   [ 共計 ]   gòngjì   Edit/Delete this post
(English: (idiom) a good person, used to praise sb's moral integrity or courage) 好样的   [ 好樣的 ]   hǎoyàngde   Edit/Delete this post
n   Special line for society to contact the party institutions, commercial and service industries . 监督电话   [ 監督電話 ]   jiāndūdiànhuà   Edit/Delete this post
(English: to carve wood)     Edit/Delete this post
(Magar is a Sino-Tibetan ethnic group of Nepal and northern India whose homeland extends from the western and southern edges of the Dhaulagiri section of the high Himalayas range south to the prominent Mahabharat foothill range and eastward into the Gandaki basin.) 马嘉人   [ 馬嘉人 ]   mǎjiārén   Edit/Delete this post
prop   "weiche Kraft" (Joseph Nye: “Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics”   [book] 软实力   [ 軟實力 ]   ruǎnshílì   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Yuchi Jingde (尉遲敬德) (585-658), formal name Yuchi Gong (尉遲恭) but went by the courtesy name of Jingde, formally Duke Zhongwu of E (鄂忠武公), was a general of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty whose bravery later caused him to be incorporated into Chinese folk religion as a door god, along with Qin Shubao. (Wikipedia) 尉迟恭   [ 尉遲恭 ]   yùchígōng   Edit/Delete this post
n   (English: (saying) use back door connections to get an advantage; use influence to get what one wants) 走后门   [ 走后門 ]   zǒuhòumén   Edit/Delete this post
prop   someone who attempts to achieve a status   [book] 拗造型   àozàoxíng   Edit/Delete this post
(engl. to flow swiftly; surge) 奔涌   bēnyǒng   Edit/Delete this post
(English: It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.)   [prov] 充满希望的跋涉比到达目的地更能给人乐趣   [ 充滿希望的跋涉比到達目的地更能給人樂趣 ]   chōngmǎnxīwàngdebáshèbǐdàodámùdìdìgēngnénggěirénlèqù   Edit/Delete this post
n   Langnase ??? oder doch 高鼻子, Because I do not like to be called "laowai" or "gaobizi" ..... 大鼻子   dàbízǐ   Edit/Delete this post
be sent (abroad to study, to work, etc.) by the state 公派   gōngpài   Edit/Delete this post
n   Computer-to-plate-system, datengesteuertes Plattenkopiersystem (Druckw) 计算机直接制版系统   [ 計算機直接制版系統 ]   jìsuànjīzhíjiēzhìbǎnxìtǒng   Edit/Delete this post
n   AGREEMENT ON TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE 技术性贸易障碍协定   [ 技術性貿易障礙協定 ]   jìshùxìngmàoyìzhàng'àixiédìng   Edit/Delete this post
n   Flugabwehrrakete (Surface to Air Missile, SAM)   [mil] 舰对空飞弹   [ 艦對空飛彈 ]   jiànduìkōngfēidàn   Edit/Delete this post
(English: to crack (seeds) with front teeth)     Edit/Delete this post
(English: particle in old Chinese similar to 啊)     Edit/Delete this post
n   One-To-One-Marketing   [econ] 一对一营销   [ 一對一營銷 ]   yīduìyīyíngxiāo   Edit/Delete this post
Die Letzten ihrer Art (Originaltitel: "Last Chance to see", Erstauflage 1990)   [book] 最后一眼   [ 最後一眼 ]   zuìhòuyīyǎn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Return to Castle Wolfenstein [ Compuerspiel ]   [book] 重返德军总部   [ 重返德軍總部 ]   chóngfǎndéjūnzǒngbù   Edit/Delete this post
Point-to-Point Protocol 点对点协议   [ 點對點協議 ]   diǎnduìdiǎnxiéyì   Edit/Delete this post
Peer-to-Peer 点对点技术   [ 點對點技術 ]   diǎnduìdiǎnjìshù   Edit/Delete this post
(English: to nationalize / to take over as communal property) 公有化   gōngyǒuhuà   Edit/Delete this post
(English: to act contrary to)   hěn   Edit/Delete this post
n   Mission to Mars 火星任务   [ 火星任務 ]   huǒxīngrènwu   Edit/Delete this post
Close to the Edge   [mus] 靠近边缘   [ 靠近邊緣 ]   kàojìnbiānyuán   Edit/Delete this post
Alltagsleben, day-to-day life 冷暖   lěngnuǎn   Edit/Delete this post
n   to give something away 露馅   [ 露餡 ]   lòuxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
to quote an exorbitant price in anticipation of haggling 漫天讨价   [ 漫天討價 ]   màntiāntǎojià   Edit/Delete this post
n   (engl. race to capture a market) 抢滩   [ 搶灘 ]   qiǎngtān   Edit/Delete this post
(E: to be enrolled into a department) 入系   rùxì   Edit/Delete this post
to make a site inspection 实地调查   [ 實地調查 ]   shídìdiàochá   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Andrew To   [pers] 陶君行   táojūnxíng   Edit/Delete this post
v   lecken und saugen (English: to lick and suck) 舔吮   tiǎnshǔn   Edit/Delete this post
v   (English: to put pen to paper) 下笔   [ 下筆 ]   xiàbǐ   Edit/Delete this post
n   (engl: replying "I don't know" to every question) 一问三不知   [ 一問三不知 ]   yīwènsānbùzhī   Edit/Delete this post
n   Computer to press 在机直接制版   [ 在機直接制版 ]   zàijīzhíjiēzhìbǎn   Edit/Delete this post
Committee to Protect Journalists   [org] 保护记者委员会   [ 保護記者委員會 ]   bǎohùjìzhěwěiyuánhuì   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Johnnie To   (1955 - )     [pers] 杜琪峰   dùqífēng   Edit/Delete this post
Open Letter to Hobbyists 致爱好者的公开信   [ 致愛好者的公開信 ]   zhì'àihǎozhědegōngkāixìn   Edit/Delete this post
Joy to the World 普世欢腾   [ 普世歡騰 ]   pǔshìhuānténg   Edit/Delete this post
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