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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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adj   rein   bái   Edit/Delete this post

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adj   klar, rein, ordentlich, genau   chǔ   Edit/Delete this post
adj   rein, unverfälscht 纯粹   [ 純粹 ]   chúncuì   Edit/Delete this post
adv   rein, ausschließlich, bloß 纯粹   [ 純粹 ]   chúncuì   Edit/Delete this post
adj   rein, unverfälscht, authentisch 地道   dìdao   Edit/Delete this post
v   rein, sauber, klar   [ ]   jié   Edit/Delete this post
adj   rein, sauber, klar [ hist. für 洁 ]   jié   Edit/Delete this post
rein     Edit/Delete this post
adj   keusch, rein, unschuldig 纯洁   [ 純潔 ]   chúnjié   Edit/Delete this post
n   rein 乾净   [ 乾淨 ]   gānjìng   Edit/Delete this post
adj   sauber, rein 干净   [ 干淨 ]   gānjìng   Edit/Delete this post
rein, sauber   [ ]   jìng   Edit/Delete this post
schuldlos, mit reinen Händen sein, rein, unbefleckt von korrupten Handlungen sein, mit gutem Gewissen sein 两袖清风   [ 兩袖清風 ]   liǎngxiùqīngfēng   Edit/Delete this post
adj   rein, blitzblank 明净   [ 明淨 ]   míngjìng   Edit/Delete this post
klar, deutlich, vollständig, rein   [ ]   qīng   Edit/Delete this post
adj   rein (Gold etc.) 十足   shízú   Edit/Delete this post
n   rein; ungemischt   chún   Edit/Delete this post
Rein-, Nettogewinn, Reinerlös 纯利   [ 純利 ]   chúnlì   Edit/Delete this post
adj   rein 纯正   [ 純正 ]   chúnzhèng   Edit/Delete this post
rein, lauter, unvermischt   [ ]   chǔn   Edit/Delete this post
adj   rein, echt, pur   suì   Edit/Delete this post
rein, reinigen     Edit/Delete this post
rein, bloß   jiào   Edit/Delete this post
bloß, rein   liè   Edit/Delete this post
rein, bloß   shí   Edit/Delete this post
bloß, rein   xié   Edit/Delete this post
rein, keusch   [ ]   zhēn   Edit/Delete this post
rein, bloß 纯属   [ 純屬 ]   chúnshǔ   Edit/Delete this post
rein 净洁   [ 淨潔 ]   jìngjié   Edit/Delete this post
adj   rein 无污点   [ 無污點 ]   wúwūdiǎn   Edit/Delete this post
rein, keusch 有道德   yǒudàodé   Edit/Delete this post


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v   rein waschen     Edit/Delete this post
adj   hell und sauber, leuchtend und rein 明净   [ 明淨 ]   míngjìng   Edit/Delete this post
adv   gerade, rein zufällig, wie es der Zufall will 恰好   qiàhǎo   Edit/Delete this post
fleckenlos rein 白璧无瑕   [ 白璧無瑕 ]   báibìwúxiá   Edit/Delete this post
n   rein modischer Artikel   [econ] 纯粹时装化的东西   [ 純粹時裝化的東西 ]   chúncuìshízhuānghuàdedōngxī   Edit/Delete this post
adj   rein und schön 纯美   [ 純美 ]   chúnměi   Edit/Delete this post
rein und frisch 清纯   [ 清純 ]   qīngchún   Edit/Delete this post
rein wie Jade, klar wie Eis 玉结冰清   [ 玉結冰清 ]   yùjiébīngqīng   Edit/Delete this post
adj   sittlich rein, keusch und tugendhaft 玉结冰清   [ 玉結冰清 ]   yùjiébīngqīng   Edit/Delete this post
Hoch den Rock, rein den Pflock   [vulg] 裙上棍进   [ 裙上棍進 ]   qúnshànggùnjìn   Edit/Delete this post
tünchen, rein waschen     Edit/Delete this post
tünchen, rein waschen     Edit/Delete this post
tünchen, rein waschen     Edit/Delete this post
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