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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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n   Reflection high-energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED, deutsch: "Beugung hochenergetischer Elektronen bei Reflexion")   [phys] 反射高能电子衍射   [ 反射高能電子衍射 ]   fǎnshègāonéngdiànzǐyǎnshè   Edit/Delete this post
n   Hoher Gerichtshof (High Court)   [law] 高等法院   gāoděngfǎyuàn   Edit/Delete this post
n   Hoher Gerichtshof (High Court) (abbreviation of 高等法院)   [law] 高院   gāoyuàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)   [mus] 高密度脂蛋白   gāomìdùzhīdànbái   Edit/Delete this post

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(Magar is a Sino-Tibetan ethnic group of Nepal and northern India whose homeland extends from the western and southern edges of the Dhaulagiri section of the high Himalayas range south to the prominent Mahabharat foothill range and eastward into the Gandaki basin.) 马嘉人   [ 馬嘉人 ]   mǎjiārén   Edit/Delete this post
Very High Bitrate/Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line 超高速数字用户线路网络   [ 超高速數字用戶線路網絡 ]   chāogāosùshùzìyònghùxiànlùwǎngluò   Edit/Delete this post
n   High-Level Data Link Control   [comp] 高级数据链路控制   [ 高級數據鏈路控制 ]   gāojíshùjùliànlùkòngzhì   Edit/Delete this post
High Speed Downlink Packet Access 高速下行分组接入   [ 高速下行分組接入 ]   gāosùxiàxíngfēnzǔjiērù   Edit/Delete this post
adj   Hightech..., High Tech... 高技术   [ 高技術 ]   gāojìshù   Edit/Delete this post
n   UNHCR (Hoher Flüchtlingskommissar der Vereinten Nationen, engl. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处   [ 聯合國難民事務高級專員辦事處 ]   liánhéguónànmínshìwùgāojízhuānyuánbànshìchù   Edit/Delete this post
n   High Society 上流社会   [ 上流社會 ]   shàngliúshèhuì   Edit/Delete this post
n   High Definition Television 高清析度电视   [ 高淸析度電視 ]   gāoqīngxīdùdiànshì   Edit/Delete this post
n   High Density Polyethylen (HDPE)   [chem] 高密度聚乙烯塑料   gāomìdùjùyǐxīsùliào   Edit/Delete this post
High Definition Television (HDTV) 高清电视   [ 高淸電視 ]   gāoqīngdiànshì   Edit/Delete this post
n   High Density Polyethylen (HDPE)   [chem] 高密度聚乙烯   gāomìdùjùyǐxī   Edit/Delete this post
High Definition, HD 高清   [ 高淸 ]   gāoqīng   Edit/Delete this post
n   Hifi, high fidelity (hohe Klangtreue) 高级音响   [ 高級音響 ]   gāojíyīnxiǎng   Edit/Delete this post
Top-Geschwindigkeit, high-speed 火速   huǒsù   Edit/Delete this post
(English: look afar from a high place)   liào   Edit/Delete this post
n   Highendqualität, High-End-Qualität 品质优异   [ 品質優異 ]   pǐnzhíyōuyì   Edit/Delete this post
Taiwan High Speed Rail (HSR) 台湾高速铁路   [ 台灣高速鐵路 ]   táiwāngāosùtiělù   Edit/Delete this post
n   Zhangjiang High-Tech Park 张江高科技园区   [ 張江高科技園區 ]   zhāngjiānggāokējìyuánqū   Edit/Delete this post
High Fantasy 严肃奇幻   [ 嚴肅奇幻 ]   yánsùqíhuàn   Edit/Delete this post
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 联合国难民署   [ 聯合國難民署 ]   liánhéguónànmínshǔ   Edit/Delete this post
High Dynamic Range Rendering 高动态光照渲染   [ 高動態光照渲染 ]   gāodòngtàiguāngzhàoxuànrǎn   Edit/Delete this post
n   High School Musical 歌舞青春   gēwǔqīngchūn   Edit/Delete this post
Taiwan High Speed Rail 台湾高速铁路   [ 臺灣高速鐵路 ]   táiwāngāosùtiělù   Edit/Delete this post
n   Ouran High School Host Club 樱兰高校男公关部   [ 櫻蘭高校男公關部 ]   yīnglángāoxiàonángōngguānbù   Edit/Delete this post
China Railways High Speed   [sport] 中国铁路高速   [ 中國鐵路高速 ]   zhōngguótiělùgāosù   Edit/Delete this post
n   High Fidelity 高保真   gāobǎozhēn   Edit/Delete this post
Volcano High 火山高校   huǒshāngāoxiào   Edit/Delete this post
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