Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Search Results


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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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prop   USA   [geo] 美国   [ 美國 ]   měiguó   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Ohio County (West Virginia, USA)   [geo] 俄亥俄县   [ 俄亥俄縣 ]   éhài'éxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Ohio County (Kentucky, USA)   [geo] 俄亥俄县   [ 俄亥俄縣 ]   éhài'éxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Ohio County (Indiana, USA)   [geo] 俄亥俄县   [ 俄亥俄縣 ]   éhài'éxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Coffee County (Tennessee, USA)   [geo] 科菲县   [ 科菲縣 ]   kēfēixiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Coffee County (Georgia, USA)   [geo] 科菲县   [ 科菲縣 ]   kēfēixiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Coffee County (Alabama, USA)   [geo] 科菲县   [ 科菲縣 ]   kēfēixiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Schlacht von South Mountain (1862, West Virginia, USA)   [hist] 南山之役   nánshānzhīyì   Edit/Delete this post
prop   James City County (Virginia, USA)   [geo] 詹姆斯市县   [ 詹姆斯市縣 ]   zhānmǔsīshìxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Guam (USA)   [geo] 关岛   [ 關島 ]   guāndǎo   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Rice University (in Houston, Texas, USA) 莱斯大学   [ 萊斯大學 ]   láisīdàxué   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Maricopa County (Arizona, USA)   [geo] 马里科帕县   [ 馬里科帕縣 ]   mǎlǐkēpàxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Nye County (Nevada, USA)   [geo] 奈县   [ 奈縣 ]   nàixiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Nantucket (Insel im Bundesstaat Massachusetts, USA)   [geo] 南塔克特   nántǎkètè   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Paramount (Stadt in Kalifornien, USA)   [geo] 派拉蒙   pàilāméng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Midwayinseln (USA)   [geo] 中途岛   [ 中途島 ]   zhōngtúdǎo   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Arnold Schwarzenegger (Schauspieler, Gouverneur von Kalifornien, USA)   (1947 - )     [pers] 阿诺施瓦辛格   [ 阿諾施瓦辛格 ]   ānuòshīwǎxīngé   Edit/Delete this post

The following entries have not been verified:

prop   Benton County (Washington, USA)   [geo] 本顿县   [ 本頓縣 ]   běndùnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Benton County (Tennessee, USA)   [geo] 本顿县   [ 本頓縣 ]   běndùnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Benton County (Oregon, USA)   [geo] 本顿县   [ 本頓縣 ]   běndùnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Benton County (Missouri, USA)   [geo] 本顿县   [ 本頓縣 ]   běndùnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Benton County (Mississippi, USA)   [geo] 本顿县   [ 本頓縣 ]   běndùnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Benton County (Minnesota, USA)   [geo] 本顿县   [ 本頓縣 ]   běndùnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Benton County (Iowa, USA)   [geo] 本顿县   [ 本頓縣 ]   běndùnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Benton County (Indiana, USA)   [geo] 本顿县   [ 本頓縣 ]   běndùnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Benton County (Arkansas, USA)   [geo] 本顿县   [ 本頓縣 ]   běndùnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Harrison County (West Virginia, USA)   [geo] 哈里森县   [ 哈里森縣 ]   hālǐsēnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Harrison County (Texas, USA)   [geo] 哈里森县   [ 哈里森縣 ]   hālǐsēnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Harrison County (Ohio, USA)   [geo] 哈里森县   [ 哈里森縣 ]   hālǐsēnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Harrison County (Missouri, USA)   [geo] 哈里森县   [ 哈里森縣 ]   hālǐsēnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Harrison County (Mississippi, USA)   [geo] 哈里森县   [ 哈里森縣 ]   hālǐsēnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Harrison County (Kentucky, USA)   [geo] 哈里森县   [ 哈里森縣 ]   hālǐsēnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Harrison County (Iowa, USA)   [geo] 哈里森县   [ 哈里森縣 ]   hālǐsēnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Harrison County (Indiana, USA)   [geo] 哈里森县   [ 哈里森縣 ]   hālǐsēnxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   La Salle ( Name mehrerer Orte in Frankreich, Italien, Kanada, USA)   [geo] 喇沙   lǎshā   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (Tennessee, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (South Dakota, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (Montana, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (Michigan, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (Oregon, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (Colorado, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (California, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (Minnesota, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (Ohio, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (Indiana, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lake County (Illinois, USA)   [geo] 莱克县   [ 萊克縣 ]   láikèxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Berkeley County (South Carolina, USA)   [geo] 伯克利县   [ 伯克利縣 ]   bókèlìxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Berkeley County (West Virginia, USA)   [geo] 伯克利县   [ 伯克利縣 ]   bókèlìxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Orange County (Florida, USA)   [geo] 橙县   [ 橙縣 ]   chéngxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Orange County (Texas, USA)   [geo] 橙县   [ 橙縣 ]   chéngxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
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