Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Search Results


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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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n   Television 银屏   [ 銀屏 ]   yínpíng   Edit/Delete this post


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Organisation Internationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision   [hist] 国际广播与电视组织   [ 國際廣播與電視組織 ]   guójìguǎngbōyǔdiànshìzǔzhī   Edit/Delete this post
prop   EarthTV, Earth TV, earth television network GmbH   [econ] 瞬间看地球   [ 瞬間看地球 ]   shùnjiānkàndìqiú   Edit/Delete this post
Internet Protocol Television 网络电视   [ 網絡電視 ]   wǎngluòdiànshì   Edit/Delete this post
CCTV, China Central Television, dt. „Chinesisches Zentral-Fernsehen“ 央视   [ 央視 ]   yāngshì   Edit/Delete this post
prop   China Central Television, CCTV 中央电视台   [ 中央電視台 ]   zhōngyāngdiànshìtái   Edit/Delete this post
n   Phoenix Television, Phoenix TV 凤凰卫视   [ 鳳凰衛視 ]   fènghuángwèishì   Edit/Delete this post
n   High Definition Television 高清析度电视   [ 高淸析度電視 ]   gāoqīngxīdùdiànshì   Edit/Delete this post
High Definition Television (HDTV) 高清电视   [ 高淸電視 ]   gāoqīngdiànshì   Edit/Delete this post
n   Independent Television 英国独立电视台   [ 英國獨立電視台 ]   yīngguódúlìdiànshìtái   Edit/Delete this post
Korean Central Television   [med] 朝鲜中央电视台   [ 朝鮮中央電視台 ]   cháoxiānzhōngyāngdiànshìtái   Edit/Delete this post
British Academy of Film and Television Arts 英国电影学院奖   [ 英國電影學院獎 ]   yīngguódiànyǐngxuéyuànjiǎng   Edit/Delete this post
n   China Central Television 中国中央电视台   [ 中國中央電視台 ]   zhōngguózhōngyāngdiànshìtái   Edit/Delete this post
National Television Systems Committee NTSC制式   NTSC zhìshì   Edit/Delete this post
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