Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Search Results


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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

Chinese -> German   German -> Chinese
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The following entries have not been verified:

n   Teilung, Aufteilung, Spaltung 分裂   fēnliè   Edit/Delete this post
n   Teilung, Einteilung; Verteilung 分立制   fènlìzhì   Edit/Delete this post
n   Spaltung, Trennung, Teilung 区隔   [ 區隔 ]   qūgé   Edit/Delete this post
n   Teilung 分给   [ 分給 ]   fēngěi   Edit/Delete this post
n   Teilung     Edit/Delete this post
n   Teilung 分成几块   [ 分成幾塊 ]   fènchéngjīkuài   Edit/Delete this post


The following entries have not been verified:

sich um Teilung des Erbes streiten 斗分产业   [ 鬥分產業 ]   dòufēnchǎnyè   Edit/Delete this post
sich um Teilung des Erbes streiten 鬪分产业   [ 鬪分產業 ]   dòufēnchǎnyè   Edit/Delete this post
sich um Teilung des Erbes streiten 鬬分产业   [ 鬬分產業 ]   dòufēnchǎnyè   Edit/Delete this post
n   Cassinische Teilung   [astron] 卡西尼分界线   [ 卡西尼分界線 ]   kǎxīnífēnjièxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
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