Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Search Results


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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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RGB-Code #9932CC 暗兰紫   [ 暗蘭紫 ]   ànlánzǐ   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #404040 暗灰色   ànhuīsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #CD853F 秘魯色   bìlǔsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #1E90FF 道奇蓝   [ 道奇藍 ]   dàoqílán   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FFC0CB 粉红色   [ 粉紅色 ]   fěnhóngsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #008080 鳧綠   fúlǘ   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #127436 铬绿   [ 鉻綠 ]   gèlǜ   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #DCDCDC 庚斯博羅灰   gēngsībóluóhuī   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #0047AB 钴蓝色   [ 鈷藍色 ]   gǔlánsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #002FA7 国际奇连蓝   [ 國際奇連藍 ]   guójìqíliánlán   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #000000 黑色   hēisè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #808080 灰色   huīsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FDF5E6 旧蕾丝色   [ 舊蕾絲色 ]   jiùlěisīsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #F5F5DC 米色   mǐsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #99FF4D 嫩绿   [ 嫩綠 ]   nènlǜ   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FFFACD 柠檬绸色   [ 檸檬綢色 ]   níngméngchóusè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #E0FFFF 浅蓝   [ 淺藍 ]   qiǎnlán   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FF4D40 柿子橙   shìzichéng   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #990036 枢机红   [ 樞機紅 ]   shūjīhóng   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #F5F5DC 棕色   zōngsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FF8C00 暗橙   ànchéng   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #E9967A 暗鲑红   [ 暗鮭紅 ]   ànguīhóng   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #BDB76B 暗卡其色   ànkǎqísè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #B8860B 暗金菊色   ànjīnjúsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #8FBC8F 暗海綠   ànhǎilǘ   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #8B008B 暗洋红   [ 暗洋紅 ]   ànyánghóng   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #483D8B 暗岩蓝   [ 暗岩藍 ]   ànyánlán   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #2F4F4F 暗岩灰   ànyánhuī   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #24367D 暗矿蓝   [ 暗礦藍 ]   ànkuànglán   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #00CED1 暗綠松石色   ànlǘsōngshísè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #003399 暗婴儿粉蓝   [ 暗嬰兒粉藍 ]   ànyīng'érfěnlán   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #5E86C1 白牛仔布色   báiniúzǎibùsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #7FFFD4 碧蓝色   [ 碧藍色 ]   bìlánsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #7FFF00 查特酒綠   chátèjiǔlǘ   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #E6CFE6 淡紫丁香色   dànzǐdīngxiāngsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FFDAB9 粉扑桃色   [ 粉撲桃色 ]   fěnpūtáosè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #808000 橄榄色   [ 橄欖色 ]   gǎnlǎnsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #CC0080 红宝石色   [ 紅寶石色 ]   hóngbǎoshísè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FFBF00 琥珀色   hǔpòsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #4169E1 皇室蓝   [ 皇室藍 ]   huángshìlán   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #DB7093 灰紫红   [ 灰紫紅 ]   huīzǐhóng   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #AFEEEE 灰綠松石色   huīlǘsōngshísè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #5F9EA0 军服蓝   [ 軍服藍 ]   jūnfúlán   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #22C32E 孔雀石绿   [ 孔雀石綠 ]   kǒngquèshílǜ   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #7FFFD4 蓝绿色   [ 藍綠色 ]   lánlǜsè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FFB6C1 亮粉红   [ 亮粉紅 ]   liàngfěnhóng   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #87CEFA 亮天蓝   [ 亮天藍 ]   liàngtiānlán   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FFFDD0 奶油色   nǎiyóusè   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FF69B4 暖粉红   [ 暖粉紅 ]   nuǎnfěnhóng   Edit/Delete this post
RGB-Code #FF8099 浅鲑红   [ 淺鮭紅 ]   qiǎnguīhóng   Edit/Delete this post
Only the first 50 hits are shown.
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