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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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Network 联播网   [ 聯播網 ]   liánbòwǎng   Edit/Delete this post


n   Excellence Network Co., Ltd.   [econ] 广州市京华网络有限公司   [ 廣州市京華網絡有限公司 ]   guǎngzhōushìjīnghuáwǎngluòyǒuxiàngōngsī   Edit/Delete this post
n   Beijing Topsec Network Security Technology Co.,Ltd. 天融信公司   tiānróngxìngōngsī   Edit/Delete this post

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prop   EarthTV, Earth TV, earth television network GmbH   [econ] 瞬间看地球   [ 瞬間看地球 ]   shùnjiānkàndìqiú   Edit/Delete this post
n   Wireless LAN, WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network, drahtloses lokales Netzwerk)   [comp] 无线局域网   [ 無線局域網 ]   wúxiànjúyùwǎng   Edit/Delete this post
Metropolitan Area Network   [comp] 城域网   [ 城域網 ]   chéngyùwǎng   Edit/Delete this post
Storage Area Network 存储区域网络   [ 存儲區域網絡 ]   cúnchǔqūyùwǎngluò   Edit/Delete this post
n   PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)   [comp] 电话网   [ 電話網 ]   diànhuàwǎng   Edit/Delete this post
Personal Area Network 个人网   [ 個人網 ]   gèrénwǎng   Edit/Delete this post
Wide Area Network 广域网   [ 廣域網 ]   guǎngyùwǎng   Edit/Delete this post
Integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN)   [comp] 集成数字增强网络   [ 集成數字增強網絡 ]   jíchéngshùzìzēngqiángwǎngluò   Edit/Delete this post
n   Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)   [comp] 简单网络管理协议   [ 簡單網絡管理協議 ]   jiǎndānwǎngluòguǎnlǐxiéyì   Edit/Delete this post
n   Deep Space Network, DSN   [astron] 深空网络   [ 深空網絡 ]   shēnkōngwǎngluò   Edit/Delete this post
World Opponent Network 世界对抗网络系统   [ 世界對抗網絡系統 ]   shìjièduìkàngwǎngluòxìtǒng   Edit/Delete this post
n   Network Address Translation 网络地址转换   [ 網絡地址轉換 ]   wǎngluòdìzhǐzhuǎnhuàn   Edit/Delete this post
n   Network File System, NFS   [comp] 网络文件系统   [ 網絡文件系統 ]   wǎngluòwénjiànxìtǒng   Edit/Delete this post
n   Next Generation Network   [comp] 下一代网络   [ 下一代網絡 ]   xiàyīdàiwǎngluò   Edit/Delete this post
Virtual Private Network 虚拟私人网络   [ 虛擬私人網絡 ]   xūnǐsīrénwǎngluò   Edit/Delete this post
Cable News Network   [econ] 有线电视新闻网   [ 有線電視新聞網 ]   yǒuxiàndiànshìxīnwénwǎng   Edit/Delete this post
Integrated Services Digital Network, ISDN 综合业务数字网   [ 綜合業務數字網 ]   zōnghéyèwùshùzìwǎng   Edit/Delete this post
Fox Network 福克斯广播公司   [ 福克斯廣播公司 ]   fúkèsīguǎngbōgōngsī   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Cartoon Network 卡通频道   [ 卡通頻道 ]   kǎtōngpíndào   Edit/Delete this post
Network Operating System 网络操作系统   [ 網絡操作系統 ]   wǎngluòcāozuòxìtǒng   Edit/Delete this post
v   Network Attached Storage 网络附加存储   [ 網絡附加存儲 ]   wǎngluòfùjiācúnchǔ   Edit/Delete this post
n   telephone network 通讯网络   [ 通訊網絡 ]   tōngxùnwǎnglào   Edit/Delete this post
n   telephone network 通讯线路系统   [ 通訊線路系統 ]   tōngxùnxiànlùxìtǒng   Edit/Delete this post
Network Information Service   [comp] 网路资讯服务   [ 網路資訊服務 ]   wǎnglùzīxùnfúwù   Edit/Delete this post
Microsoft Developer Network   [comp] 微软开发者网络   [ 微軟開發者網絡 ]   wéiruǎnkāifāzhěwǎngluò   Edit/Delete this post
Network Operating System 网路作业系统   [ 網路作業系統 ]   wǎnglùzuòyèxìtǒng   Edit/Delete this post
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