Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Search Results


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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

Chinese -> German   German -> Chinese
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The following entries have not been verified:

prop   Min   [fam]   [ ]   mín   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Min   [fam]   [ ]   mǐn   Edit/Delete this post


prop   Reich Min (eins der Zehn Köngsreiche im historischen China, 909-945)   [hist]   [ ]   mǐn   Edit/Delete this post

The following entries have not been verified:

n   Min Bei (chin. Dialekt/Sprache)   [ling] 闽北话   [ 閩北話 ]   mínběihuà   Edit/Delete this post
San Min Chu-i (Taiwanische Nationalhymne) 三民主义   [ 三民主義 ]   sānmínzhǔyì   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Kreis Min (Provinz Gansu, China)   [geo] 岷县   [ 岷縣 ]   mínxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
San Min Chu-i 中华民国国歌   [ 中華民國國歌 ]   zhōnghuámínguóguógē   Edit/Delete this post
n   Min-Dialekt 闽语   [ 閩語 ]   mínyǔ   Edit/Delete this post
n   Min-Fluss 闽江   [ 閩江 ]   mínjiāng   Edit/Delete this post
Ryu Seung-min 柳承敏   liǔchéngmǐn   Edit/Delete this post
Min-Fluss 岷江   mínjiāng   Edit/Delete this post
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