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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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n   Qiao Zong ( 譙縱/ 谯纵Qiáo Zòng; died 413) was a Han Chinese military leader in present-day Sichuan province in China during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Englische Wikipedia) 西蜀   xīshǔ   Edit/Delete this post
prop   State Administration Committee on Military Products Trade, SACMPT   [mil] 国家军品贸易管理委员会   [ 國家軍品貿易管理委員會 ]   guójiājūnpǐnmàoyìguǎnlǐwěiyuánhuì   Edit/Delete this post
(English: Military Commission of the Communist Party Central Committee) 军委   [ 軍委 ]   jūnwěi   Edit/Delete this post
Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee 中共中央军事委员会   [ 中共中央軍事委員會 ]   zhōnggōngzhōngyāngjūnshìwěiyuánhuì   Edit/Delete this post
Eine Art Wohnsiedlung in Taiwan für KMT-Soldaten, erbaut in den 40er und 50er Jahren. (engl.: Military dependents' village) 眷村   juàncūn   Edit/Delete this post
n   military training 军训   [ 軍訓 ]   jūnxùn   Edit/Delete this post
Virginia Military Institute   [mil] 维吉尼亚军校   [ 維吉尼亞軍校 ]   wéijíníyàjūnxiào   Edit/Delete this post
United States Military Academy   [mil] 西点军校   [ 西點軍校 ]   xīdiǎnjūnxiào   Edit/Delete this post
(English: Central Military Commission) 中华人民共和国中央军事委员会   [ 中華人民共和國中央軍事委員會 ]   zhōnghuárénmíngònghéguózhōngyāngjūnshìwěiyuánhuì   Edit/Delete this post
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