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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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prop   Hua   [fam]   huā   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Hua   [fam]   huá   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Hua   [fam]   huá   Edit/Delete this post


prop   Huashan, Hua-Shan, Berg Hua (einer der fünf Heiligen Berge des Daoismus in China, Provinz Shaanxi, China)   [geo] 华山   [ 華山 ]   huàshān   Edit/Delete this post

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Hua Mulan (chin. 花木蘭, Huā Mùlán) ist die Heldin eines alten chinesischen Volksgedichtes (s. Yuefu), das wohl zwischen 420 und 589 nach Christus entstand und erst einige Jahrhunderte später in schriftlicher Form festgehalten wurde. 花木兰   [ 花木蘭 ]   huāmùlán   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Hua Mulan   [lit] 花木兰   [ 花木蘭 ]   huāmùlán   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Hua Luogeng (auch Loo-Keng Hua, war ein chinesischer Mathematiker)   (1910 - 1985)     [pers] 华罗庚   [ 華羅庚 ]   huáluógēng   Edit/Delete this post
Song Hua (Name)   [fam] 宋华   [ 宋華 ]   sònghuá   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Hua Xiong   (died 190)     [pers] 华雄   [ 華雄 ]   huáxióng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Kreis Hua (Provinz Shaanxi, China)   [geo] 华县   [ 華縣 ]   huáxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Kreis Hua (Provinz Henan, China)   [geo] 滑县   [ 滑縣 ]   huáxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Hua Guofeng   (ca. 1921 - 2008)     [pers] 华国锋   [ 華國鋒 ]   huáguófēng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Hua Tuo   (145 - 208)     [pers] 华佗   [ 華佗 ]   huàtuó   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Liao Hua   (died 264)     [pers] 廖化   liàohuà   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Tsing Hua University (abbreviation of 清华大学) 清华   [ 淸華 ]   qīnghuá   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Yu Hua   (1960 - )     [pers] 余华   [ 余華 ]   yúhuá   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Zhang Hua   (232 - 300)     [pers] 张华   [ 張華 ]   zhānghuá   Edit/Delete this post
Hua Hin   [geo] 华欣   [ 華欣 ]   huáxīn   Edit/Delete this post
Hua Xia Bank 华夏银行   [ 華夏銀行 ]   huáxiàyínháng   Edit/Delete this post
Hua Xia Bank   [org] 华夏银行   [ 华夏銀行 ]   huáxiàyínháng   Edit/Delete this post
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