Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Search Results


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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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Vogel(fang)netz   [ ]   luó   Edit/Delete this post
n   Fang, Klaue   zhuǎ   Edit/Delete this post
Fang, Fangmenge 捕获量   [ 捕獲量 ]   bǔhuòliàng   Edit/Delete this post
n   Fang, Klaue   [ ]   qián   Edit/Delete this post


prop   Kreis Fang (Provinz Hubei, China)   [geo] 房县   [ 房縣 ]   fángxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   007-Insel, James-Bond-Insel, Khao Ta-Pu (Insel in der Bucht von Phang Nga im Süden Thailands)   [geo] 007岛   [ 007島 ]   007 dǎo   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Fang Xuanling   (579 - 648)     [pers] 房玄龄   [ 房玄齡 ]   fángxuánlíng   Edit/Delete this post

The following entries have not been verified:

prop   James-Bond-Insel, 007-Insel, Khao Ta-Pu (Insel in der Bucht von Phang Nga im Süden Thailands)   [geo] 詹姆斯庞德岛   [ 詹姆斯龐德島 ]   zhānmǔsīpángdédǎo   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Cao Fang   (231 - 274)     [pers] 曹芳   cáofāng   Edit/Delete this post
Dong Fang Hong 东方红   [ 東方紅 ]   dōngfānghóng   Edit/Delete this post
Dong Fang Hong I 东方红一号   [ 東方紅一號 ]   dōngfānghóngyīhào   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Fang Lizhi   (1936 - )     [pers] 方励之   [ 方勵之 ]   fānglìzhī   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Fang Fang   (1955 - )     [pers] 方方   fāngfāng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Lin Fang   [pers] 林芳   línfāng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Chiang Fang-liang   (1916 - 2004)     [pers] 蒋方良   [ 蔣方良 ]   jiǎngfāngliáng   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Li Fang   (925 - 996)     [pers] 李昉   lǐfǎng   Edit/Delete this post
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