Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict -> Search Results


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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

Chinese -> German   German -> Chinese
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n   Ente   [bio] 鸭子   [ 鴨子 ]   yāzi   Edit/Delete this post

The following entries have not been verified:

n   Ente   [bio]   [ ]     Edit/Delete this post
n   Zeitungsente, Ente 报纸虚假消息   [ 報紙虛假消息 ]   bàozhǐxūjiǎxiāoxī   Edit/Delete this post
n   Falschmeldung, Ente, Zeitungsente 假报道   [ 假報道 ]   jiǎbàodào   Edit/Delete this post
n   Falschmeldung, Ente 误传   [ 誤傳 ]   wùchuán   Edit/Delete this post
n   Falschmeldung, Ente 谣言   [ 謠言 ]   yáoyán   Edit/Delete this post


n   Beijing-Ente (siehe Peking-Ente)   [food] 烤鸭   [ 烤鴨 ]   kǎoyā   Edit/Delete this post
n   Knusprige Ente   [food] 烤鸭   [ 烤鴨 ]   kǎoyā   Edit/Delete this post

The following entries have not been verified:

n   gefüllte Ente   [food] 八宝鸭   [ 八寶鴨 ]   bābǎoyā   Edit/Delete this post
n   Acht-Kosbarkeiten-Ente   [food] 八宝鸭   [ 八寶鴨 ]   bābǎoyā   Edit/Delete this post
n   Peking-Ente   [food] 北京烤鸭   [ 北京烤鴨 ]   běijīngkǎoyā   Edit/Delete this post
n   In Reiswein geschmorte Ente   [food] 黄酒味鸭   [ 黃酒味鴨 ]   huángjiǔwèiyā   Edit/Delete this post
n   Gärmehlsoße für Peking-Ente   [food] 甜面酱   [ 甜麵醬 ]   tiánmiànjiàng   Edit/Delete this post
n   duftende knusprige Ente   [food] 香酥鸭   [ 香酥鴨 ]   xiāngsūyā   Edit/Delete this post
blöd, lahme Ente, lange Leitung   [med] 呆头呆脑   [ 獃頭獃腦 ]   dāitóudāinǎo   Edit/Delete this post
n   gegrillte Ente   [food] 燒鴨   shāoyā   Edit/Delete this post
n   Kampfertee-Ente   [food] 樟茶鸭   [ 樟茶鴨 ]   zhāngcháyā   Edit/Delete this post
n   gemästete Peking Ente 北京填鸭   [ 北京填鴨 ]   běijīngtiányā   Edit/Delete this post
v   eine Ente mästen   [agric] 填鸭   tiányā   Edit/Delete this post
n   gepökelte Ente   [food] 盐水鸭   [ 鹽水鴨 ]   yánshuǐyā   Edit/Delete this post
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