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Search Results - Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict

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n   die Sammlung der Sprüche und Diskussionen der verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Richtungen (inkl. Fa, Ru, Dao, Yingyang, Ming, Bing und Nong) in der Zhan Guo Zeit (476-221 v. Chr.), die angeblich von Guan Zhong editiert ist. 管子   guǎnzi   Edit/Delete this post

The following entries have not been verified:

prop   Dao   [fam]   dāo   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Dao (chinesische Philosophie)   [rel]   dào   Edit/Delete this post
das "Tao" / "Dao" erlangen 得道   dédào   Edit/Delete this post
das alldurchdringende Tao (Dao) 达道   [ 達道 ]   dádào   Edit/Delete this post
das Tao (Dao) begreifen 达道   [ 達道 ]   dádào   Edit/Delete this post


prop   Dao An, buddhistischer Mönch   (312 - 385)     [pers] 道安   dào'ān   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Dao Heng   (346 - 417)     [pers] 道恒   [ 道恆 ]   dàohéng   Edit/Delete this post

The following entries have not been verified:

prop   Wang Ming-Dao   (1900 - 1991)     [pers] 王明道   wángmíngdào   Edit/Delete this post
n   Guan Dao, Kwang Dao, Kwan Dao, General Kwang Hellebarde, General Kwan Hellebarde 偃月刀   yǎnyuèdāo   Edit/Delete this post
int   Das Dao bringt Eins hervor; Eins bringt Zwei hervor; Zwei bringt Drei hervor; Drei bringt die zehntausend Dinge (alles) hervor (道德经:老子) 一生二二生三三生万物   [ 一生二二生三三生萬物 ]   yīshēng'èr'èrshēngsānsānshēngwànwù   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Bei Dao   (1949 - )     [pers] 北岛   [ 北島 ]   běidǎo   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Kreis Dao (Provinz Hunan, China)   [geo] 道县   [ 道縣 ]   dàoxiàn   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Jia Dao   (779 - 843)     [pers] 贾岛   [ 賈島 ]   jiǎdǎo   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Tsung-Dao Lee   (1926 - )     [pers] 李政道   lǐzhèngdào   Edit/Delete this post
Das Dao, das als Dao beschrieben werden kann, ist nicht das ewige Dao   [phil] 道可道非常道   dàokědàofēichángdào   Edit/Delete this post
Tran Hung Dao 陈兴道   [ 陳興道 ]   chénxìngdào   Edit/Delete this post
Shangchuan Dao   [geo] 上川岛   [ 上川島 ]   shàngchuāndǎo   Edit/Delete this post
prop   Wang Dao   (276 - 339)     [pers] 王导   [ 王導 ]   wángdǎo   Edit/Delete this post
Weizhou Dao   [geo] 涠洲岛   [ 潿洲島 ]   wéizhōudǎo   Edit/Delete this post
Yongxing Dao   [geo] 永兴岛   [ 永興島 ]   yǒngxīngdǎo   Edit/Delete this post
prop   King Dao of Zhou   (died 520 BC)     [pers] 周悼王   [ 週悼王 ]   zhōudàowáng   Edit/Delete this post
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