Downloads in EDICT format
Please download HanDeDict in EDICT format:
Each archive contains the following three versions of HanDeDict:
- handedict.u8 contains 149832 entries, 180521 definitions, 607 examples in traditional and simplified Chinese (encoding: UTF-8)
- handedict.b5 contains 145798 entries, 175448 definitions, 535 examples in traditional Chinese (encoding: Big5)
- contains 144898 entries, 174360 definitions, 543 examples in simplified Chinese (encoding: GB2312)
Downloads in bedic format
The following files contain links to antonyms, authors, etc. They can be used with
zbedic (Zaurus, Linux):
They contain 149829 entries, 180519 definitions and 607 examples each, in simplified ( or traditional Chinese (
Downloads in MDict format
The following files can be used with
You can find further information about our MDict files
Downloads in Apple Dictionary format
The following file has been provided by
Tammo Freese.
It can be used with Apple Dictionary for Mac OS X 10.5.
You can find further information about HanDeDict for Apple Dictionary
Chinese Practice
Chinese Practice is a free vocabulary trainer for Windows XP. You can download the latest version of HanDeDict for use with Chinese Practice
LingoPad is a free offline multilingual dictionary for Windows. It uses the Chinese-German entries of HanDeDict.
SUSE Linux
Mike Fabian has created a daily update service for HanDeDict's RPMs. You can get them
here (switch to the directory your_linux_version/noarch/).
Wakan is a free tool for students of Chinese or Japanese. It uses various dictionaries, including HanDeDict.
Last update: 28 May 2011 04:07.