About HanDeDict
Das Chinesisch-Deutsche Wörterbuch HanDeDict is a free Chinese-German dictionary. Based on a translated version of
CEDICT, it has grown rapidly since May 2006.
Everyone is invited to help us improve HanDeDict and make it the Chinese-German dictionary of choice.
You can contact us at
redaktion@chdw.de or via our
support forum.
The HanDeDict Team
team leaders
Jan Hefti
Michael Klaus Engel
Boris Boege
Jan Hefti
Zhang Peng
Zhao Chunhua
editors (content)
Helmut Anker
Katrin Braß
Hado Brockmeyer
Katrin Buchta
Michael Klaus Engel
Jennifer Gross
Jan Hefti
René Klawohn
Sebastian Loziczky
Julia Mannigel
Annette Maurer
Shi Lei
Tian Xiaoyong
Wang Ye (Beolingus)
Steffen Weidenhaus
Han Yan
Zhao Chunhua
Zheng Meishi
We say thank you...
Our greatest thanks is to all the users of HanDeDict who have added their own entries and made our project succeed.
In addition, we would also like to thank all projects who have provided the basis of different parts of HanDeDict:
Many thanks to
Markus Dreyer, who provided information about his script to create Japanese flash cards, and Henning Lieder who provided valuable input for the first trial version of HanDeDict.